75% of basps is unable to be able to be able to comply with macca

75% of basps is unable to be able to be able to comply with macca

Comment by: Slava Demoz, a command and chief of Ambot

All providers of virtual assets service must be registered in the EU before holding the rulers in CRYPO governors (MACA) this year. It cannot do that.

The rule of MACA, indeed legal framework for Crypto business, it also receives a bad-marson, especially for small businesses.

Looking at the Estonia's case and reduce Crypto licenses in 2017, it is possible to decreased 75% of their jobs in the EU.

What happened in Estonia with Crypto Permissions?

In 2017 Estonia was one of the first football to introduce Crypto License process. Receiving crypto license (Registration VASS) easy and quick. No corporate presence, sharing capital requirement, or confirm the flow of flows against your flow (AMYC) is required. The product? By 2019, Estonia had taken out about 2,000 Crypto licets.

Starting in 2019, Estonia took several changes to the law, including similarities to MACA. As a result, most of the companies were not possible to provide new requirements and lost their licenses. Today, only about 45 of Crypto businesses are allowed in Estonia.

Current condition of the EU with Vasts Registration

Similar situations occurring in countries with Vasp registration requirements, such as Poland and the Czech Republic. Around 1,600 Vasps is registered in Poland, separately to the easy and fast process in recording in the country before the Mark activation. With minimal requirements, one company can open and get a VAPP recording in these countries within a few weeks within a few weeks.

These licensed processes changed this completely in 2025 when mica will be fully into the Force. All registered Vaasps must hold new requirements, which will be the same as which of their entry country; Another thing, they need to reduce the business.

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Most of them will not be able to comply with previous knowledge, such as when 1,900 films lost the Vaspe recording company Vassp in Estonia. These license loss occurred due to a number of key items:

  • The size: A lot of one-to-three registered Vasps provided necessary exchange in P2P or pre-counter platforms. They do not have enough facilities to comply with tight icacae requirements.

  • The cost: Lifting the license is expensive. Was unable to get Vas vas Recording in Poland or the Czech Republic for 2,000-4,000 Euro. The price for license is much more than 30,000-80,000 euro, depending on the business model and country.

  • The requirements: Must be relate to muscama companies to prove some complex processes in place, including a limited number to AML / KYC Compliance. Therefore, the company needs to employ many experts and many of processing. Based on the number of Vaspan recorded in the path, the officers must be 1,600 Vasland / one every year to visit the Poland and the appropriate examination of all. This will be almost impossible.

In addition, MACLE MACA's capital requirements from 50,000 to 150,000 Euros, a company provides. A lot of scheduled Vasps or small companies will be able to cover all the costs required to satisfy the processes above and to satisfy the capitalized processes.

Where do that leave the small businesses and start? They won't be equipped to surrender with mac.

Comment by: Slava Demoz, a boarding and chief of ambot.

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