Paris (AP) – a political uncertainty ties in France after using the week's special action powers to vote voting by lawyers.
It is expected to submit a movement of confidence. According to the political armies across the political board, this could lead to Bayrou.
That's what happened in December, when moving movement is encouraged by budget disputes Prime Minister Micker Barnier to retire.
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Speaking to La Roine Dunige Media, Bayrou was a formal device referred to as the government to leave legislation.
On Monday, French lack of lawyers are joint component of State Committee on State's Commonwealth budget on the budget and they will take care to the social security budget.
“Now we need to go straight to adoption,” Bayrou said. “Country like us cannot be budget. The only way to do that to make the government responsible.”
The exhibition declines against broken national concentration background after the snAP's snap elections deliver to most clear.
The President Ebmanuel MCREN turned to Brancier in September in an effort to drive the impaasses. But the proposed seniority budget budgeted in the ball (the system of 40 junk ($ 42 billion) in spending and taxes in the lower house and encouraging conflict a wonderful political.
To seek more strength for his government, Bayrou was announced to the French Sficlement to 5.4% of a large domestic home -Dome distresses.
The Joint Committee has held additional charge of large companies as they increase financial matters. In addition, Bayro continued not commitment to cutting 4,000 work in national education, a expected drift.
The left party is already released that it plays a movement of anyone who may not expect to support from convural and green lawyers. A wide range of sea barrel was a wide pen for a pen for a center for the French – but her party is not yet to gain vaulting.
The Secondary Voting, which has recently been accepted in early weeks could be taken in barking the budget, they could be sure for the future of the Bayrou. They have said they face the government but have promised to work in budget issues.
“We have a number of statements received out of government and we note that the Prime Minister made by the Prime Minister for the Prime Minister,” said the Prime Minister. . “But, they are still inappropriate.”
(TabstoranTelate) Francois Bayro (T) Michel Barnix
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