
Rebels are determining quitting in Dr Congo for 'Hingeritarianian'

The Rebel's Federation in Democratic Referee Remotional Republic of Human Crucial starts on Tuesday.

In a statement, which includes rebels – which introduces M23 – after the “causes of humanity” after he was captured land in the east areas of the country.

The Nas Nasil Knows 900 people killed by at least 900 people injured in a recent fight around a gomm, after tunes of rebels .

The G7 and Evilistic countries are offensive as a break to rest on the sovereignty of Dr Congo.

The Rebel's Bomaging Bomaging – converted that there is a compatible armor of people using people to bombing areas.

He did not expect to capture any land, in spite of other than the last week, and retain their posts.

In a statement, the Alliance stated: “We are confirming our commitment to protect and protect a civil population and our posts.”

Regional fight is seen to send hundreds of thousands of people over the last three years. From the start of 2025, more than 400,000 people were absent from their homes, according to the UN Disruption group.

President Rwannie Paul Kaguame – Who is also a Chief Executive of the RWanda Protection Force: He knew had the country in Dr Vice.

“I have many things I don't know. But if you want to ask me, if a problem is in congo without 100%,” he said to 100% CNN Monday.

At the same time, human rights agencies have been calling for more stress on Rwanda to return to down.

A Minister called Dr Uty Communications for the international community to put sleepers to Rwanda.

“A strong decision is taken) not only for authentication, but you do not accept that,” said Patrickayaa for Rerters.

“Ships are the least,” he said.

Joint and RWand joint that is expected to be a regional peaceful components in Tanzania.

By 30 years of conflict of conflict if they do not break down – as they break down – as they break down – as they break down – as they them breaking down – as they would receive several times in the past year – going on for months.

(Tabstoranslate) (T) Democratic Republic (T) Human Human (T) Human Responsibility Organizations (T) Rebel (T) Retow

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