The hidden next to: Facing the Congress Fund of Olympic Games of Canada

In the opening ceremonies of Beijing, the winner of Medal and Canada's Olympic flag-Beda's winner is in debt.

Isabel put Wedman in red in red. 2-year-old from Ottawa a 2-year-old one is paying for the things that can buy now.

“Even on this top level, the three Olympic medal, you have come out of the other side, you should not take it out of it. The hole said,” Weden said. “To think, we struggle to buy a grocery, all the differences for maintaining or purchase training requirements, there is a difference between the rest of the world.”

Moce has accepted the Morristet officer who has accepted Morristette.

He said, “I have been behind some areas for many years,” he said. “If the money is stable, we can only do a lot.”

Final increase in Korical Federal Union Fund, 622 National Games, 622 National Games of Canada, 622 National Games, 2005.

A velocity site run with ice.
Flags in the IsDea IsDeman says that the flag in Isjel Wednesman, 2022 is that he is obliged to cover the expenses for the device maintenance and training because his national sports cannot afford. (Rick bourr / relevant Press)

Core Funding Money is Money All NSOs, Athlete, Articer, Coach, Support In Support Staff. The chief executive officer of the Freestyle Canada said he was the blood of his organization.

This podium is different from money, which medal is likely to be aimed at the sport.

A year in Calano-Cartina in Italy, Canadian Athletes have won in many games all weeks.

Canadian's nine gold medal and 27 total last year had both records for non-sisters of non-scenes Olympics.

But many games leaders say they are not sustained because of the lack of belly under the base of the belly.

“At the end of the blood through the blood you saw,” said the judge. “We are running $ 600,000 losses this year and we will probably get again in the next year

Low services for top athletes, such as low-paid travel food and the team doctors had normal access to the team. The price of the two decades were quoted as a growing carakera as growing carak.

The Canadian Olympic and the budget of the budget of the budget and the budget of the 12220s, a loamled by the National Game Associations for 2024 budget for 2024 budget.

The money was not ease, though, though, that the players were not up to 23 percent increase in their monthly Arthalit Assistance Program (AAP) checks in checks (AAP) checks. Gets up to $ 2,170 per month.

It is increased to the increase in increasing training and competition and competition, and increasing it to the increase in the “T Team fee”.

Loads 'falls in the players'

Bublett Kungen, boblata corpses in pockets of $ 20,000 more than 4,000,000, in pockets of $ 20,000.

“If I can add it, because of lack of this fund, Canada's sports,” said the tran. “It falls on athletes. You don't get the best athletes. You can get the best players that can buy it.”

The speed skating team is dropped, but “we have downloaded our participants so many new costs,”.

COC and CPC is advocating on the federal government on behalf of NSS. Ask Ask 2025 Budget is increasing 155 million in Core Fund.

Survey data is usually attended by the 80 percent of NSO, 60 percent has increased the training camp, CAC COUVE David said, shoe wear

“This is not estimated. Our Deloor has started a study, and now has a total forecast in these NSOs,” Shoe-up losses said.

The Federal Politics is in Flicks, and the election game portfolio can change the seventh Minister for the seventh minister for the seventh year.

“Our government has inspired our national game organizations (NSOS) and the inspirationers.” The fights they face with rising training and competition costs we identify. “

The last year would increase in athlete 'card “on the flock in the past two years of more than two years of more than two years, removed 1,55 million commitment to remove obstacles in sports programs.

Young players losing inspiration to funds

Olympic Champion French Sliptyle Slipstyle Callistie and Speedskiter IVanie Hidony Hidondy they see.

“In the national team, they used to be a national regional and world-dwelling in the national territory, where those Athley used for the funds and housing for funds,” the arrow.

Wherever Canada had a full part of 25 long track skater in the International World Chowar, it is now 16.

“We see many young people, the talented Athlese missing inspiration,” Blandin said, “Blandin said.

Alpine Canada CEO pay attention to the Olympic athletes carefully carefully.

“Only athletes may participate through meaning when you have $ 45,000 range,” she said. “It puts me at night.”

The person wears can give more sports-batching revenue direct in NSO. In 2024, the second year of the Ontario, the second year of Ontario, produced END80 million in Federal Government Revenue.

According to July, according to July that we can only covered what is to contribute to the national sports system.

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