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USQDOID Tutors through Business Barkn groups around the world: “Hitled a big human life”

AbDule, Chief Executive for Human Rights and International Development, had been working on democracy in Sierra Leone for seven years.

West African War on the West African coast of Africa, ended in 2002 – and slowly, peace had returns, helping to reduce migration and violence. Required for these progress, Sierra Civilian Civic Services claims, nurturing democracy and human rights. $ 1 million was given to the Haltome Fortomat Enterprise in 2023 to continue working on these goals.

Around two years later, the project expanded – formed a basic partners – which encouraged a female partner of the MarCa Stario Secretary he ordered to stop On all the US Foreign Support Program Programs funded by the state and the USD Department. Almost all employees of the group be placed on leave.

“He came to a shock, and destruction,” said SWMA From his office in free office, Free City of Sierra Leone. He put the loss of “gap” in funding and “Vacueuum in regulation” that he said Russia or China to fill.

USID Management of over $ 40 billion in 2023, according to the research service, a figure that is less than 1% of federal budget. A significant contribution of funding provides by the US groups who warns local partners or local community organizations, which apply projects in their own countries.

Room groups are engaged in achieving a range of projects and humanity activities, including working hospitals or health clinicsFighting human trade, and running programs which move back, entrepreneurs or conservation.

Their complex funding structure regularly criticized And not to reach global groups quickly or directly, but Gaean, the thousands of advocates and staff around were made of a large spectrum of a civil society.

File drawing: Trump Trump Management Objectives of the dwwas of users of USSID workmen after freezing
Bidh luchd-tadhail a 'ruighinn a' fosgladh pròiseact ath-leasachaidh aig Bimaristtan Al-Muayyd ospadal Sheikh a chaidh a dhèanamh airson Leasachadh Eadar-nàiseanta (USID), an Èiphit, an Èiphit, 18 Lùnastal, 2024.

Aner's bath a baudah brudhh / Retors

Collaboration of freedomThe global area of ​​about 3,000 applicants told people after the tee of tea julia snapped, which is located in Berlininine. The group said it is funded by USGID Fimunne International WinrockAn International Development Agency that leads 100 projects in 40 countries to a large extent to the US Government.

Mer said after federal funded, her group has been contacted by at least 50 participants. In collaborative collaborative newsletter, MerIt called organizations in the Balkans provided direct services for staff in teenagers, medical and transport. Work than Cabbodia's birth to dieProvision of support provided was introduced ,, have been transferred to the victims of nine employees and those who are saying.

The situation is particularly concerned with Latin American groups, including Ecuador which required people to stop colombia.

Funding for type of work is complex – often made at personal staff and victims – already very difficult. Often, the US Government is the only manner who is willing to give money, Maher said. It was confirmed that the benefits of these programs are reaching far more longer than those who are supported.

“It helps global sustainability, and that's the bigger argument,” she said. “The work helps to reduce organic crime. And if there is no response or that they are very scary. That's just about humanity's side. . “

Suddenly “a significant effect at the process of stopping for suddenly has a sudden effect on the real human life,” MacNaher.

Rubib told us Diplomats Wednesday the United States are preparing to stop foreign aid, saying that the organization needs to be better of defining and protecting the group. money going.

“We are going to continue to support the support and involvement in programs, but we must be ensured. We have to be sure to be ensured. We have to be sure to be ensured. We have to be sure to make sure, “Rubio said about 200 employees at the US Ambassador in Natemala, according to transcription of a number of his views with CPS news.

Rugio also noted the public in the public, “to the rugged people,” to the rough commandment with them to carry out a foreign policy work, we understand that it is essential. ”

They contributed to this report.

(Taverstoranslate) USID (T) Africa (T) Latin America

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