Men in a dumnel arrested to deal with Ganenda in 2018

A man has been arrested in the gentle and the string of Canada encouraged the alleged woman and said to Toronto Police after hit the scrapman.

According to police on Friday Rihan and Egroonton Avanyne is required for the area of ​​Maize Road and Eglurant Avany and EGLINTON AVINC, police said

The police entered our house and beat the woman, then the girl was stabbed by arms. The arrest police said that the accused ran this view.

Accused and their prey had known each other, police said.

Authorities searched for the person but were unable to meet her, police said.

Guyana officials made him located and kept him in the design. He was kept in Guana. Arrangements were made to bring him back to Canada.

The police said, 46, 46 years old, arrived in Canada Thursday.

Toronto police had arrested her and accused: Trying the issue; Two counts of stimulated stripes; Two counts of attacks with arms; Two counts of failure to identify complex; Order of appointment; And to appear in court.

Men used to Make a court in Toronto regional bail center on Friday.

जानकारीको साथ कोही पनि 4116-808-400800800 मा पुलिस सम्पर्क गर्न भनिन्छ, वा अपराध स्टोपरहरू number16-222-सुझावहरू (84 84777)

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