Honestly, I have applied on how many smart snurfs have been over, but the lost town, the only modern entrance to animation, It was not just lighting the box office on fire. That, with a budget of just $ 60 million, he only made enough money to determine a more large screen. And that's just that we get Take a new man paramount on the blue characters.
'New' may be too replace of an adult The first trailer Just passing through the moves and feel like nurtured hybrids / far forest life in less than 24 hours. Sure, this could operate when It opens in the summer on 18 JulyBut both the forage and movie deserves more.
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Promoe marketing efforts are being eradicated by Rihanna, who is not a stranger to promote films at this stage, very few that are good. Despite, some Srad to update SMurf design and this would look very cool the powers made of the 'most virtual entrance. Instead, the characters again throws against their will ashore in the prolonged, frightening of regular people. Hijinks continue, and you know how the rest is playing out. Garguamel's brother shows for this one, so that they could not be expected to grow the front.
You can view the first trainer, full of long winter with the popular songs and the normal tags, below:
John Gurfin is playing Papab, which, in all honors, planting inspirational inspiration. It is secretly taken by Razamel and Gargamel Witch, so “Spafette (Rhanhanna) leads the smurfs into the real world to save it. “The rest of the guy is pasted strongly, including James Cruden, JAP KARLIK, MAYO WIDEOA that the production budget be a higher production budget.
SMURFS has to compete against Jurassic world: rebirth (July 2), Superman (11 July), and The four separately: first steps (July 9) for SuperDmacy Office if the Plans don't change any of them. Good luck to everyone involved.