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Meta is up 17-day away, leaving 5% of the company and most still think works are safe

Meta's trusses each day

Sections of the mark Zuckerberg signal is currently on a long-term heater. They destroyed Sallow Salloff and they make up for the 17th ongoing day in a wonderful run that is even more incredible in other stocks 7.

The market has come around to some perspectives:

  • Zuckerberg will pivot all the group on a whim
  • Sper serpe is coming and that's a good news for meta
  • An open store will win, that's what they have been doing with lilama

And most important:

Tha a 'chùis gnìomhachais as soilleire aig Meta airson AI oir faodaidh e modalan a chleachdadh gus teacsa agus ìomhaighean a ghineadh gus sanasachd a leasachadh.

I'm entirely on board with this thought but it's the wonderful that the company has stopped 5% of the workers on Monday. That was a unique movement I believe the stage to set the stage for types of other puppy in physical places of physical?

The work-inclusive programs / developer are disputed from the key use of use to more than that looks a close. Because companies are still determine they can work with under age teams while still encourage productivity, the pressure on all actions they do.

At the same time Ai and our robotics is at a speed of speeding which solves more ways to cut workers. It is not harassed down either how JD Vince in Europe is now warning to everyone not to even thinking about rule-torching fan companies.

For all the responsibilities of prices, politics and geology at present, only a real movement is important because it is about to change everything.

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