
MEMO 28-years old is having a new class

Image for a 28-year-old title article MMO gets a new class

Screenshot: Clipsoft / kotaku

Tibiaone of the older PC MMorpgs Around, getting a newly adjacent new character of a newly close to three decades after launch first. Yes, it may be this mMMO is older than you and you still update it.

Released in the 1997, Tibia Is hemonic iloc online rpg developed by a group of German students as a leisure project. He took a popular destination, and for the past fourth, receiving updates –He finally received Sounds in 2022-Avitation – and on maintenance of an active player across. And soon that faith players will have something new with, with the developers back Tibia Described a new player's class comes into the MMORPG.

On February 10, clipslopers appeared that in 2025 he intends to the Monk Class Option to Tibia. When the game was launched in the '9' only four classes only four classes, Knight, Kaid, and paladin, were only four classes. The new class is about this new generation, or “call” as they are called TibiaFocus on melee fight and heal.

“When the idea was first, it felt as a competent action,” he explained clibly in the monks blog. “Sending a new call Tibia After this time this time may be too complicated and too dangerous. The more we talked about it, however, so he could feel exemptly to the game. Why are most knps could be able to get bumps in if not for five different sites? “

The Monk's Date of the Monk's class is still not yet specific to the Monk class. CLIPOFT PLAN PRIPTIONS With more information about class in the coming weeks.

“Almost overall, we see a new call as well as the opportunity to repeat the attitude that was always part of Tibia“CLIDIIAL: APPLICT APPLICATION A NEW CORRECT, learning new practices, and a change to the writings of the new team.”


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