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German by “Lust for murder” suspected murder of 10 kilts, surveyors to say

A doctor in Berlin first arrested in August on the whole of a total of 10 patients in total patients, trying to be suspiciously. killing fires of patients, on Tuesdays said.

The doctor was an unknown, which was part of the lacery of nursing service care team, initially had been killing Four patients In June and July and then try, with mixed success, to arrange their apartment. In November, an inspector that they had detected evidence he had indicated it he killed four other patientsand on on Tuesday they said that they suspect kills two other patients.

The police and prosecuters said Tuesday that both more cases were put in place when they examined patient files and did forensic files, they tuted forensic files.

Tha an dà rud as ùire a 'toirt a-steach marbhadh làmh-deireannach boireannach às dèidh 50-bliadhna an àros ann am Berlin ann am Berlin ann am Berlin ann am Berlin ann am Berlin ann am Berlin ann an Berlin a' toirt biadh doiridh to a different drug woman with the intention of killing it.

In addition, it was suspected that he was survived last year, too much more than Berlin, informed a dead mix of medicine, inspectors.

Fult prosechers and the police say no reason that the accused of the purpose of being beyond, and that the suspicion of the legal explanation of “Lust.”

Depending on the latest decision-making, the killing would take place between September 2021 and the summer last year.

Tuesday the police also calls some members of members who have been given to relationships, or relatives of the death of patients or relatives, wanted to find out to the police.

The audience's name was not released, according to the German privacy rules. Accessions say he did not answer the complaints.

The case reminds the famous German nurse Niells heegelthat went to a minor in prison for the murder of 85 patients forth.

Heegel, who is believed to be Germany Kirurrrive SherrrrrriverThe hospital dietal with deadly centers between 2000 and 2005, before it was caught in the Act.

In a more modern case in Germany, your 28-year male nalent was placed on life in prison in 2023 for two patients intentional drug management. The nurse, marked as Mario G was founded on six accounts of murder.

In England, Netal Nurse Lucy Lucy Attend life sentence for gaining seven children and trying to murder six other. However, earlier this month, panel of experts the medical evidence disputed used to allow letby leaby.

Agence-basses added to this report.


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