Lies Of P Overture.jpg

It's announced Lies of P Overture, and comes in this summer

Is lying of pThe first new HIE DRAF email was launched at Sony play. Overture Dubbed, it seems to throw a piracle into a completely new adventure full of dangerous, interesting, and can avoid a new military. There is still Lies of P Overture, although the release date has not been given.

You can watch the trailer yourself below! Many new landscapes go off too that they worthly worth celebrating: Mommooth to wool for one. There is also a beautiful cat you can pet in your time, and a bunch of enemies that look too. You can see all this in the trailer below.

Check the lies of Lies of Elegal Peture here!Look at YouTube

Are you excited to check the lin of overture peverur? Let us know below!

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