Ukraine Crisis Usa Minerals Zelenskiy.jpg

The icram confirms' reteliny 'reteliny' on mining facilities

The norquine Wednesday said it was a “start” innovation on the mineral grounds, before you did a visit to the president of Velicemyr Zelenskyy on Friday.

The Agreement is at the heart to ensure that Dòmhnall Trump has strong support and a quick conversation to Russia, with US-Russian discussion that is excluded on Thursday.

“The main thing of me welcomes the creditor. The agreement is not $ 500 billion USA, or $ 100 billion.

Trump has sent the transfer as a recharge of dollars to cooperate to kyiv during the war. Zelenskyy has wanted security commitments in exchange for mining rights, but it is not clear whether these requests were successful.

“This agreement is part of our largest marches with the United States. This agreement could be part of future security complaints … but Zelenskyy can't understand.

“This agreement may be extremely successful or may go to quietly. And the great success depends on our conversation with the President Trump.”

Listen l Francis Farorell of Kyiv from the state of the war after 3 years:

Front Burnr28:37The icpormal and Europe: a significant moment

Not interested in 'standard contract': Ukraine PM

The Uristerian Primeian said that Washington's efforts to support security prompts, but Americans offered them security assurances.

Shyshal said to those of the UK Government would be later on Wednesday and so may be signed. Described it as “Start Agreement”.

A woman in a coat and scarf holds a sign that the artist says the úrrár is not inheritance on snow street.
A plat is holding a plant in the comparison of the US simultaneously and the Ukraine, outside the US embassy in Kyv Wed.. (Thomas Peter / Reuters)

Shirshal told the agreement of ideas on the idea of ​​televed, sending kyiv getting from moving by moving by moving by moving by moving by moving by moving by moving by moving by moving into all the natural resources of the ownership of the Occupancy Resources and Former Infant Info. “

These money would be entry into the United States Conduct and Ukraine, adding that that any decision has been made without a kyris agreement.

“As deposits, resources, licenses, licenses and rent to debate when you create this fund,” he said.

He said: “The president or government was not signing or considering the state's interests did not make the state's interests of the state.”

Copy of an agreementseen by reference and the date February 25, is known as “a two-dimensional agreement establishes the terms and conditions for rebuilding investment assets.”

It says: “United States of America keeps úrraic efforts to set up security assurances.”

Although discussions have been taking place on a mineral deal, Washington and Moscow have begun to minor lectures.

Russia LAVrov denotes the idea of ​​the MacInnes of Organuary

Russian Foreign Minister Sengei Lavrov talks about Thursdays between Aallyll and America in Greater Conprors as crucial to complete the Urrain beliefs.

Lavrov said that the Mrscow could not consider “any options” to submit European peacers to fuel and make it harder to go out.

The President of the Frame French spoke for the concept during Trump on Saturdays, peace citizen could have respected. Trump said the idea and that Roman Roman Roman Sladdir Putin was also done, although the Kremin was against Russian against Russian unchanged.

Look Lack Ellents Corrects on 'Loans' to the Ukramain:

MCCRon prevents a crump on úrrain, said Europe giving 'true money' not just loans

The President of France Emmanuel McNon met on Monday with the President of the US D Donald Trump, with a heavy focus on the úrrain. At one time, Nonnon submitted that European Funding flows to the riprain, saying, 'We gave it true money.'

The British prly's Kir Starmer, which keeps conversations with Trump on Thursday, said it would be ready for British soldiers as part of the Postwar's postpoint.

But Lavrov did not call “inappropriate suggestion”, “Disclosure any complaint on some strongest affairs that have gone to the idea.

“We cannot consider any choices” when it comes to peace Peace, he said during a visit to Qatar.

“This approach is mainly enhanced by Europeans, mostly, it also aims to stop it: to stop any efforts to send down, “he said.

Doubled down the highest way of Russia, Lasprov still became full of control of four departments that it claims UKic

In the north east east of Kostyynvienvka at least five people and the city Area Commanders.

At least three boulders were used to focus on town and the underlying, the Governor said to the Telegram concert.

“Recently, Russian attacks in Kostianotynviets have become more frequent and harder,” he said.

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