
In sexual gender abuse test, a woman goes out of getting to know the protest's history that has their children's abuse

Vaanes, France – wife's wife at the heart of a Diaici Without “Her husband doesn't know in 2017.

Marie-France Lhemite, 71, to be confirmed as her husband, a city in Brittany, northwest the Britany, northwestern FranceWhere most attacks were said to have been paid.

“I've never had any doubts about my husband,” Lhermitte said, talking in a stuttering voice, at times above waterwater.

With a scorulonec, 74, and Raping by Raping or Removing sexually 299 patients over 30 yearsMost of these under 15, many of them recovering.

His prosectors and solicitor, maxime have said that with a Budarneccc, which has been served with four other children, have been served, but not all of them in.

“I jumped to you so I would like to enjoy you on what I was,” he said to his wife at the end of the witness, “Powehile and Petdocrim.”

In France, defenders can allow you if the judge will allow him.

Trial Joel with Scouanec of France (Damien Meyer / AFP through Cetty Images)

The surgeon trucks the surgeon turning off with a scornenec off.

The Presiding Officer, Burimsi gave the guidance through inspection of hard writing writers.

The other wider and emotional way on the evidence – “Am I on a test?” She was asked for a single point, again that questions have been re-sent by questions again and to be taken out by the judge, a happily to reply to the questions.

Asking if she was referred to in a 1996 passage, written by Scouaarnec that “Cataciesm” was beaten “she knows I was refusing to mention her.

Inspectors believe the surgeon mentions his wife, according to court calls.

Asks about two young geographic girls in the 1980s, Lherminte was declined about the species that were made upright in the 1980s.

Loscotin serves 15 years in prison after consistency of 2020 to rate and attack the brother when she was a 4-year-old neighborhood and 6-year-worn neighbor. No the neighbor's Rap complain was a neighbor's RAP complaint in 2017 which continued to hold the surgeon and the research that continued.

Asking when she learned the husband attacked the third daughter's third daughter, she replied by a girl who made his daughter's attention.

“She always hang about my husband's neck,” she said. “I told me that she was breaking out on him.”

Buris answered, “she was 5 years old, do you think she handled your husband?”

“Go the figure, she is distinct,” Lhermitte, as spectators grew audience in the most popular galleries.

In the standing, lenmitte said it was washed with two companions and two brothers and never told the abuse.

Victims were looking out the case with a video connection in a 450-Seatats OUne's ceremony recently walking from the courthouse. There are two other transmission chambers in the Old Law School broadcasting the Media and viewers. The case is expected to give around four months.

On Monday, the niece lichereste is a complaint that real attention was told NCBC attention has “Nic sister Oeest France newspaperwere “pack of lies.”

NBC newsers are normally not listed only sexual autonies, except Alexrara, 47, she agreed to her first name. It proves to determine the following week of a severe from Ages 5 to 13 long ago relatively under the law of France.

As early as 1996, Alexandra said her mother spoke about slopes of her husband to small girls. She put her sister her sister out that “everybody like small girls.”

Asking about these exchange in court, Lhermin became a sick end she said.

French take off a Lowland Lungen Joel, 74, opposing a four-month trial starts in 24 February on 24 February on or rapering 299 patients. (Damien Meyer / AFP through Cetty Images)

A prosecutor keeps a suggestion Mondays Monday “How many lives are grabbed by only one person” outside one person “outside of a court in Vanes, France.

Lhermite, increased over four hours, out of ScoruantC, 70, to a video led to the courtesy of her husband as early as early to 1996.

“One person whose brother was arrested, and that's his wife, Marie-French,” he said. “She was aware of her husband's actions and did not do anything.”

He said he would cut connections with his brother after arrested in 2017. “I think it should be submitted to the death. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” It would be good for society. “

If he convicted, with a scoarnec looking up to 20 years in prison, which would be running at first 15-year-old term.

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(TASTTRANTLATE)) Mistan Mistriage Separator (T) Marie-France Lhermitite

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