Our team is an LSF community continuously continuously. Every woman in the community worked into their hips off and we are so proud of each and all of you! You ended up all 6 weeks challenge such as strong and your shape-inwards were spectacularly!
Thank you for pushing yourself and our community to be the best we can be!
Time to shout the winners ss24! These inspiring women, not just exactly only, you have the most amazing stories!
Winner Grand Dured
Kim Cary (@Kkgetsfit_lsf)
Total Lots lost: 7
The story of Kim:
“When I started the summer-way I wasn't a good place because I had stopped out and I didn't feel a lot of lasf.”
“When I saw the summer shape I was going to decide that I was going out that SSU was beginning to get out of the first week he got thanks to start Move app, A hot body planand the spectacular LSF community to help me motivate me. I now work out every morning and has changed my mental health so much. I'm struggling with anxiety and working out aloud to me as much. “
“I have come to date and make more healthy choices every day. I make up every week but to a physically only thankful. I'm so thankful for Teumlsf Because I know that they are he helps to keep I go during challenges and after. “
Run runners
Morgan (Mitzmugg_lsf)
Total strots lost: 6
Morgan's Story:
“I'm still struggling by maintaining a healthy lifestyle when you are stopped home use. This year he was very close to me. I just stressed myself in June after our visits and that this was never so high on the scale. I was just tired of tired and slow. “
“All 6 weeks helped 6 weeks that I am doing so much more than I think I'm coming on. The support of LSF team And the community is unlike anything I have ever received from gym, work class or online platform. So proud of all girls in the challenge. These girls inspired me every day to show myself. I love that we are like some family. “
Jessie (Remissions)
Total strots lost: 8
Jessie Story:
“This was the first time ever made any kind of the fitness spaces / challenge. I went into the Move app A week before challenge and were deleted away with the sad but fun to be. I was also on the a hot body nutrition plan and the 14 days (shaped up) Ite a time ago, as years ago, and never follow them. But I then decided and I was blown away with the food plan to be followed. I love the way you offer easy things out for carbs and fat and just as reasonable the food plan. I am able to make food still with my husband at night, but also adhere to my goals. “
“I went in Gang diseases There is around halfway through the challenge and I feel so than the complaint to the community just more. The girls are in there. It's also very refreshment to see you, KatieInteract with us and providing Lil Lil. I love the motivation and downsing deeper than just the workplaces and the food plan. I think that is what is indeed what your program is just all other fitness programs I have been part of years. “
“I'm just feeling for the first time in two years since I would feel out of an effort and how much I feel the best of my life.”
Pink hearter recipient
Our pink prize goes to a member in the #TEAMALS BY Who did not remain dedicated to their own fitness tour, but it was also encouraged to encourage her association #tamlsf! All challenges will we ask members to submit people who promoted and was encouraging a stimulating store and encouragement.
Evey (Lsfeveyy)
Total strots lost: 3
Covering a community to prophecy:
“Showing me every day and I released me.”
“This girl has a busy life! She always receives her workers even if it's really late and like her daughter in pics.”
Evey Story:
“I am only the battle battlefields of worgabar and long distance, but also one mom right now. In the absence of LSF teamI may stop working out. ”
“Although I haven't lost a pound this challenge, I got a strength, muscle, my comparison with myself or comparing myself.”
“This challenge taught me to change things to change things when I have asked for a muscle normally and you did one of the other goals I want to put it.”
“I used the LSF 14 day shape up and Hbmp As long as I was doing this challenge. I even took my food plans to my holiday to north. I wanted to keep for a food plan that would satisfy my hunger yet holding my goals in tact. During this challenge, I found my love A shield woman And now I can't stop doing a drink every day. It's only that he helped protect protection systems, but it's the morning of my favorite morning I can't go day without it. “
Ball spotlights
We got so many amazing claims for this challenge that Grandicus, runners, and pink salesman. We wanted to wake up these amazing members at which he had a hunglery & stories Heartwinging!
@ Jenn.woW22
@ jasswats.lsf