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Summer shape up 2024

The summer here means it's time to feel best !! Join the Cabby Cabinical Challenge To get appropriate, put away, and he feels confident!

What is Simari SMit Challenge?

Our Summer shape up The 6 week challenge begins 8 July, 2024. Only 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week for 6 weeks!

What should happen to expect:

  1. Lose weight, your body's turn, get confidence, and feel good!

  2. Tasty and healthy Recipes to help lose weight

  3. Daily Workouts in the Move app You can do anywhere, even on holidays;)

  4. Live Workouts & Coaching session with your trainer, katie

  5. Weekly Week

  6. Grand prize on value over 1k

    Your daily jobs will be available on our Move app. Extra, if you are new to move, you'll 30 days free!

    Check under the Tab Tea “Challenges” For summer's summer shape up, they will show the app on 8 July !!

    Please wait in the loop:

    Through the challenge, we share new videos, detailed recipes, and hold live sessions on @ssorswoswoswaswatefitness. Make sure you call you “I'm in” graphic and tag @loveswatfitnessfitness & @Tamlsf.

    Our A summer shape challenge Is the thing perfect to take you in shape and in that member of that summer !!

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