
Pearls, Knights, and Samurai has a code. Are you?

In 2007, Italian polite poltoto flifote liftoto.

This dude was a commander from the actual life and the true life of Mafia.

As they explored his house, they fell over what they believed they official “10 Commandments” of their team.

In other words, “If you want to be a good sweetheal, follow the 10 easy steps that!”

  1. No one can display directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do.
  2. Never show women's wives.
  3. Never seen with cop.
  4. Don't go to pubs and clubs.
  5. Always have a duty to Cosra Nastra always – even if your wife is to lack.
  6. Careers must be honored.
  7. Women must be given with respect.
  8. When any information is requested, the response must be a fact.
  9. Money cannot be carried out if it belongs to others or other families.
  10. People who cannot be part of Cosara Cosara: Anyone who has a close relationship in the police, anybody carrying a moral values.

Okle these rules do not address all the conclusions every mobster every day, but they are rules that someone is learning to do.

It is not the only team buub with additional rules.

Samurai was in Japan, on “Bushdo” Akha “to make the way of the hero.” 8 Rules for the Personal Code:

  1. Righteousness (justice)
  2. Confidence
  3. Subspection (mercy)
  4. Respect
  5. Honesty
  6. Honor
  7. Loyalty
  8. Self-discipline

Elsewhere, knights in medieval religious people 'knights', “knights',”

Maximus Meridius picked up in Gladiator and his politicians always up to “strength and respect.”

In 300, Spartan soldiers knew home with your shield, or on. “

we have Rules for Nordness's fitness revolution too!

I will give these rules because there may be peats, knights, or samurai …

But I bet that some rules can be putting that on your life to help.

Regulations can help us make decisions.

Life is complicated, and our brains are able to discuss a variety of decisions.

However, when our place is a rule, it allows us to make a clear option rather than crossing it.

Is more important. We can make regulation once, and then we will not have a claintower or make a devolution on each decision later.

Here's a fast example:

Most successful impaired datens are only a list of rules that people follow that Ask them to eat less calories.

  • Earned quickly means “I'm not eating between noon at 8pm.”
  • The Paleo Diary means “I won't eat anything can't eat cave.”
  • Vegan means “I don't eat any goods that come from animals.”

I don't say that any of these strategies above is better or worse than any others. I give up the hauraistics because they have helped, and have been rude to much.

Each person can come up with a set of desired rules that helps them stark their lives.

I definitely have “Fitness” rules are typically:

I know when I follow these rules, “The way NDD,” I have a great opportunity to stay healthy, healthy, and feel good, and feels healthy.

I also have rules about interacting with the world and to be a good person:

These special rules may not work for you, and that's okay.

They are my rules.

Your rules must reflect Your position.

We respect the rules of others

Here's another fun hack: We may not like all rules, but we are liable Respect other people's rules:

Our coworker offers you, and you say “Ohhhhhh, I should not.” They may return with “C'mon, live a little bit,” Because they do not want to be the same person eating Donut …

But if you say “I have a rule that I don't eat donuts on a weekday,” You may be hard to honor this touching, and maybe you will bearily honored.

Some people could stop certain food or drinks for religious or personal reasons.

No reason why you can't have rules for whatever damn purpose you want!

What are your rules?

A good combination of assurance, professional and society regulations is a good place. Or heck, only one of each!

Heck, even one for each of one can be a good place to start.

These rules should be yours.

Here are some ideas to help you start:

  • At work “I do what I say I'm going to do, on a timetable, or tell me my team ahead of the timer, or tell me my team ahead of the timer.”
  • With friends, “I always send a grateful note after receiving something with a friend”
  • For health, “I drink Friday night and Saturday while looking at the College football”
  • For sleep, “I only look 1 of TV every night. I stop playing video games and cancel of social media at 8pm.”

Start writing down some desired desires and see how it feels.

I find out the most distinctive and more detailed thing and filled the rules, it is the more likely to follow.

Rules to help you make the long-term decision in difficult situations. You know, these circumstances where your brazard says “eat the candy!” or “drink drinks” or “stay up late and lomomroll for 7 hours!”

Regulations can be in advance and so you do not end in these circumstances in the first place.

We can use technology, app block software, or hire our friends to help us live true to our rules.

When you recognize your rules, and write them down, keep them look at how you do with them.

If you find yourself violating your rules than there, time on the rules might be changed why and What is up.

Remember, a failure can be one hell of a teacher, and loose into the fear is a good opportunity to learn the lesson trying to teach the lessons.


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