Nasdaq Id 32456d35 F47b 4f25 9130 F82b2a5a232a Size975.jpg

ArsedQ index involves successful shoes after a successful test of the 200 days if

Yesterday, the Nodaaq fell out of a fortified range goes back to November.

I have written about this post here:

In that post, I reported the first 200-day target (see a yellow box) saying “This extent may be slowing the second”. .

An-diugh, fhuair a 'phrìs taobh a-staigh astar brònach de sin ùr 200 latha de 200 latha de 200 latha sin agus bha an crìonadh slaodach agus tha breabadh nas àirde air a bhith ann.

The price has moved back above the 348.2% of the transition up from August 2024 lowed according to 18595 by support. If the price can remain above these levels, the buyers are “in play”. If the price goes under that stage, it wouldn't be a great technical.

On the Topside, Redbay will enter at $ 18,831. Highly needed high level to take the corrective management of further and giving customers to customers.

Snadic technical

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