Welcoming Muslim Ramanwh worldwide Ramnan, fasting, donation, charity, and community months.
Every sunset, worshipers gathered together to eat in their fasting. IFTARIn North America, Islamic Society (Islana) in Missinsga headquarters, where employees and volunteers will provide thousands of fearless use in their community, where they are Muslim, or non-Muslims.
“Everyone else is ready for the big milestones throughout their years.
Many Muslim organizations move forward in this time the work of their charity work, quick lucky people remind them of the little luck.
Each year, the international development and relief foundation (IDRF) one holds one IFTAR Fund for helping Gaza
This year, the head operating of Israel-Hemus war and Frigize of the IDRRF, Naquel Ali.
“I'm going to Radon that we have the ability to make such plates to make such plates, and that is our goal,” This is our goal.