Two Columbanabian has recommended another bill to rule Crypto. In the Bill there are 16 provisions, including Vast Licensing system for Crypto Companies.
According to the local media court The ColombiaThe bill aims to establish a legal frame that would ensure protection for Crypto users and encouraging investment in the country Crypto business.
A total of 16 articles covering several related articles including a study, marketing, education, education, crypto taxas well as eliminating anti-silver laundry and the returns of terrorists or AML/ Cft.
In addition, the Bill also recommends a Virtual fund providers Licensing system that compulsives compulsable companies who wish to work in the area. Other countries like Hong Kong, Singapore, Canadaand the Uae Use the VAS lodges to ensure they live with local rules.
Juli Morno's Senatosh Dungno and the representative of the house Julián Lópppez to the crossing bill on 2 March, after receiving last year.
Morno said a coloimia to establish a governanceulence framework for informal crypto exchange of crypto exchange which is “generating uncertainty and hazards for users.”
Added, it is to be added, it does not provide Crypto services with the correct security tools to protect the users and prevent Crypto misuse.
“Our bill is trying to establish clear rules to generate a reliable and Crypto) for investment and Crypto) to support the business that appears,” said a repressed for the business that appears, “said a representative. López.
According to the report, there are about five million Colombia users have been trade Cryptocurrency. In 2024, Crypto trade value has achieved $ 6.7 billion in the country. However, the outside has also noticed that many users have become victimized Scams and Promisean schemes, and others take advantage of the irregular eco system of not washy money.
The Financial Director, leading Government Government government, works on a number of pilot projects from 2021. However, the projects are still at the project management framework. “