IMF to deal with each other to prevent a bitcoin division in the public sector 'in El Salvador

IMF to deal with each other to prevent a bitcoin division in the public sector 'in El Salvador

The International Information Fund (IMF) is looking to compressing Bitcoin purchase by El Salvador as part of $ 1.4 billion funding arrangement in charge of the country.

On March 3, in the IMF provided A new application for expanded settlement under the Fund Fund for ELA Salvador, quoting staff update and reported by the action director for el savador.

Technical Association Association named as a condition of “without a voluntary collection of BTC collection of BTC in El Salvador.”

In addition, the memorandum encourages to prevent a “type of debt or instrument with any major debts in Bitcoin.”

Create out of IMF Technical Memorandum with El Salvador. Source: IMF

Méndez Berolhoo: “Features related to Eurocoin are mixing”

In a statement of the composition from 26 26, Médez Bertolo, the Executive Director has contributed to the Funding of EL Salvador, to make confidence to encourage confidence and the potential of the country's growth. “

“At the same time, bitcoin related risks are lit,” betolo, contributing to:

“Authorities contributed changes to the Bitcoin Legisaging the legal nature of the Bitcoin's Level and removing fent of legal tensions.”

Guerlolo expected the program attracts a “extra financial support” from World Bank, the Indian Development Bank and other Regional Development Banks.

This is a story that is a story, and more information will be added as it will be available.

Journal: 4 years becomes so much 'no one can be closed': Kain Warwick, Infinex