
Jagglear Singh Johal raised in India place

A Wikh Scottishi Scott's man who had been held in India was held in one of the nine matters against them.

JaguTar Single Song Johal, from Dumbarton, Looks several mercy costs An associated political violence in the north of India but never convicted.

A total of 37-year olds were arrested in punjab in November 2017, only weeks after the wedding there.

His family and the legal team told all the legal team as similar and the other eight was now dropped down.

He accuses that travel to Paris in 2013 with a £ 3,000 as well as to obtain a series of attacks from Punjab and other religious directors in Punjab.

Mr Johal's law's case for the eight worst cases against 2022 and it follows.

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(Tabstoranslate) Jagah Samath Johal (T) Terror (T) India

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