
Dogecoin accident? The Inspector allows a re-reported to $ 0.12 before reposit

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By sending recently published card by Paul 1zigranudes) The CryptocReascy could be low as $ 0.12 in an important refux. The 1-day card, is divided on x, explaining a pound of Elliott books which Paul will be a difference – (c) an area of ​​$ 0.15- $ 0.15.

More down to go on?

In Paul's AnalysisDebcoin has been searching for five-fan decline on five subsidies because obviously reaching obviously obsolest as wave 1 on its card. This roof is above in a multiple-day promotion to lose and reversed a series of smaller motion (or 2nd). The NaNearts Paul will brighten “Gz” (“golden zone” with its shapes of his pointed support of the nearby floor.

Analysis of a dogecoin price
Dogecoin's Prices Analysis | Source: X @Zig_zigranudes

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The card shows a collection of recharge key stages that crosses $ 0.16 down to the mid-of-mid- $ 0.11. Paul clarifies FIBNCANCBIC STAGE AT 61.8% Around $ 0.1657 and $ 0.150508, to the deeper regracements at $ 0.126709. These numbers appear to flow the “Gggggg” in which a paul believes that the owever can fill the final foave. According to the card, the pocket is $ 0.15- $ 0.15 to stop the emergency price district for bulls of bulls.

The journey from the current price division toward this lower focus is marked by sub-uncle counts that reflect a final push under unshappy pressure. The card's candlestick patterns determined a range of secondary and low-low in weeks. Book bars indicates a steady pressure selling pressure downloads to be able to scribbed that ended Correction.

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Paul use of clouds Cloud Impudu setting shows that the price has traveled below the end of the cloud since the end of the cloud, indicating any of the cloud. The green area seems to be dipped on its card as items of dynamic, supporting the idea that the market has lived in a correction setting for several weeks. The inspector of the inspector of the old wavelengths as well as (1) to (1) will suggest to be supported in the “G G.”.

As long as her card projects are from the highest level, there are no commitments to hold the band to hold the $ 0.15- 5 0.15. If you do not extend that the corrective pattern would be extended and weaken the bulish wave, but a Paul Note means enooth Comes down current as a last sculpture of retailers. In his own words, “Dege 1d: Appendix 5 declare a wave c / 2 in the Gz for DEG, expect to expect Local Base In this area, although the overall guidelines of Early Customers do not reduce the plenty of customers into that fibongers rates.

At news time, the dugedied at $ 0.17

The price of a dogecoin
The price of duge, 1-day card | Source: DogeusDt on Tradingie.com

A special icon generated by blind.e, card from linkview.com

(Taverstoranslate) doge

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