Mark Carney, Canadian Pentorator and now Economist, already under the microptocuss.
Carney, who was replaced by the old prime minister of the old Prime Minister he took measured approach and necessary way of cryoft, that's bitcoin (BtcIn the 2018 speech he has produced at England's bank. It also divides concerns about private stablecoins and with support Meaning on moderate bank money (CBDC) – concept is a concept of crypto cleeps to shake crystals.
At the same time, Carney is on said At its current platform for the 2025 Federal elections he wants to do Canada which comes with “AI, Tech, and digital businesses.”
Reports previously, along with the US's Traders War on the Prime Minister's Economic Plate and which part, if that play at all.
Bitcoin a Source of Value “
While it was as a British Bank Governor, Carney's bitcon Cryptocrinal as being sufficient in achieving three of money activities: a source of value, center exchange and account unit.
Money actions. Source: English Bank
Dealing with the “How good is Cryptocrunordnords perform cash roles?” He said, “The long response is that CryptocerryCiesCies will add money, only for some people, and even in parallel with traditional customers of users.”
“The short answer is that they fail.”
He also shared the connection with private library connection by Andrew Crosne 2021. Carney said to the Successal Bank model, “equivalent to the” universalized bank.
He also said that competitive techniques involve melt the money system as a coordination tool. “
Carney explains moderate bank digital money (CBDC), particularly CBDC on the Management Management, as well as setting of pro-CBDC arguments such as settlement times
Carney wants a limit of Crypto, not to be the stified streamcular
In the 2018 Bloomberg in 2018, Carney said he wanted to bring up a CryptocRURRURY spot to status with the rest of the financial business. He said at the time that a “a lot of annoyance” was there to handle market management, fraud and other misconduct on Crypto content.
“The best of the Cryptoccesscies, suggestion, which makes you gravitate to the exchanges,” he said. “He said.” He said. “He said.” He said. “He said.
Related: Canada's National Bank of Canada Get on Bitcoin
Carney turned more that it is a good thing if some walls fall beside the way “by management. “It's a honor to be a part of the financial system, to be linked to the financial system. And responsibilities to come with those benefits,” he said.
Despite the more tired ideas toward Cryprocuriccies, Carney said in its 78 speakers that politicians should be careful not to preserve stifle.
Thuirt e gu bheil na “prìomh theicneòlasan brosnachail” agus nach bu chòir do luchd-lagha a bhith a 'cur casg air fuasglaidhean as urrainn ath-chruthachadh a dh' fhaodas “seasmhachd ionmhasail a leasachadh; a 'toirt taic do sheirbheisean pàighidh nas ùr-ghnàthach, èifeachdach agus earbsach agus earbsach a bharrachd air a bhith agad. “
Carney also supports new technologies in government administration and make more competitiveness in a tech. His strategy focuses on ineffective learning inex and reducing device and “pick up a longe of a loudly public, technology public service.”
Targe Chose Canada Belling Again Crypto credential
The Canadian Funding Squimation of the Canadian Federal Squimation is not being replaced by no further than October 20, 2025, and could be appointed earlier.
Carney claims Pierre Polievre's prien prien, which has made a number of co-crrypto statements. In 2022, it's posted On x that he wanted to accept Canada Hub Blockr and “expanding option, small costs of financial material, (and) create thousands of jobs.”
At one time leadership of the Turgian Party, he said Cryptoceruchers would allow CrrypToceries to keep control “of their money.
Related: Why May Polere Polievre may be that a cavioar crying crying
The audiences of the Crypto Independence is likely to tell Mateteleraph, who is still a major feature in the elections, unlike its neighbor to south elections.
Morna Roani, Executive Director of Action Assessant Council Communication Association Assurance Association, “The fact that the fact that the criticism is valuable, housing, inflation and immigration.”
In addition to these economic concerns are the country of trade with the USA, who started when Donald Dripped into Canada, Mexican and China.
Response of how the Liberal Haths of Tarshes Tarburn the Liberal Hazards seen the blearing in their opinions, which earlier this year show the earliest conventions. Carney response can 'hostile economic policies' to be more than the main feature of affecting cryptocerncies.
Journcome: The UUDO-version on CRYPTO will leaving key questions