Sarah Al Zawady Bullet.jpg

Doctors remove a shot from Palestinian woman's head after 4 months of harassment

CAIRO – Sarah na Agean says she was sitting with her early twenty-old family 22, 2024, in their tent in Al-Zawaida, the town in the center Gaza strip Where the Palestinians had taken shelter, when it was bored in the head bullet covered by Israel Israpter Drop.

“Suddenly I felt that pain was in my head, as I was struck with an iron bar or something,” the 18-year gazan was soon. “My family started scruting, a bullet, shot! 'Everybody was going through and they made them and rice them to Shuhada Alqisa.”

CB stories have asked the Israel protection forces about it Told an account of the use of Drones full weapon In Gaza, and about al-Awady appeal, particularly that she had been hit by one of the weapons in civilians. In a latest statement, the IDF said International Law, aimed at just aimed at the Military Aims and provides transition translated. “

The armor said he could not provide information on various flight aircraft, as they are classified including partners' appetite with the funeral details and place of detail.

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Sarah can be seen long after hitting in the head with a penal of the tartan with Israel, in Al-Zawala, Central Gaza. The bullet to put her a skull behind her right eye.

With permission from Sarah Al-Awady

The Doctors made what they could with what they could be among the destroyed in GazaA little bit more than a year after Hamas' 7, Martain attachment moved the war in Palestine area. They could see the shot at al-Awadry skull, behind the right eye, but they didn't have the capacity to remove it.

The Lady was told there was nothing more than Gaza but she refused to give up hope and asked him to stay in hospital. Inway, she thought, inside the protection of a serious injury from the dusty circumstances in his family's mobile home.

So she stayed, depends on Pinkillers to deal with the pain Excrichning in a head, but without any plan for relief.

In early November, a team of volunteer campaign visits Europe's hospital near Khan younish, in the south. Dr Mohamed Towfik Towfik, Egypt, was amongst the volunteer, and when he thought about someone who he believed to help.

Father's twfik called ancholmolmogolmogmore fear, to get its medical idea.

Dr. Ahmed Towfik reported, the Asiasoil, he wanted to go to Gaza to try the young crooked.

“Follow me this issue almost every day. I felt this is my case,” Towfik said.

But he could not find a way to travel to Gaza and, at the time, by the war he was building a few people for their enlave.

The doctor's son returned to Egypt, and aluminated the news that she is providing hope. For months she said there was staying in us that I would lose a permanent scene.

“I entered to treat abroad, as a lot else. When people asked me, 'How long do you wait for so much longer.”

Historical hope of, around three months after the paper was submitted in al-Awady, the news that Israel and HMS On approved to Sgurr deal. It came to January 19, 2024, and Al, A corloy got back to her home in the outside of the north of Gaza.

She said she was relief who found a family of his family amongst them. She stayed there for a week, on the annual 8th February, on the evening of the February February 20, she asked for a call from World Health Group.

Palestinians continues to return to the remains of homes


“There is no electricity, so I would literally packed my button with candle light,” she remembered. He was only his mother to travel with her, but the Paper arrived at Egypt the next day, as expected.

It was originally initially to a Porl City, on the Meditionean Medal. A week later, Dr. Towfik received to the hospital where he works in al-Sharitia, in the Delta.

Three teams – Off-Awady approach was set along with al-Awady approach.

“We ran a number of months to find the best route to the optic nerve,” dr Mohaled Khaled Khaled Khaled Kehaled, a 'rèididheachd Al Nour, dh' innis iad naidheachdan CBS. He helped to lead the executive surgery through its video connection from its workplace at the separate resource.

Scanding image shows a bullet that was submitted to the right eye of Sarah Al-Akady, with the entrance to the classroom.

Courtesy of Dr Mohamed Khaled Shawky / A-Nor

“The contract was in the best area of ​​the patient, but the worst place for a medical team,” Shawky). “Was he moved by Millweater in any direction, it would have caused great damage.”

The doctors agreed that the best option would be attempted to reach the PHLILE by going in through the motor Al-Awady, so that they do not harm her brain.

Towfik has just telling the chance of success, and could lose a completely or that she could be reduced or that she could reduce mine.

“I cried. I was afraid, but I prayed and I prayed,” She told CBS.

“His medical team tried to make their best to develop my spirit, so that. And I said to the operation room and lime chamber,” said Al- Anudady

The surgery was made last week, and was successful. Towfik News CBS told the amount of Galland and Abscess caused by the shot, who was rented over al-Awady time.

Sarah-Al-a Zawady-Doctor.jpg
Dr Ahmed Towfik, the leader of Eye Ay Fraws in Egypt, Sarah Al-Luhndy, after adopting a tongue to include.

Courtesy of Dr Ahmed Towfik / Hospital Hospital

Even with the peller out, Al-Ludady is not completely out of the forest.

“Three hours later, I opened my eyes and they told me, with thanks, everything went well,” she remembered him. “I started crying again.”

“She's very steady now, and gives her in the country and gets better,” Towfik news. “My goal was the first to complete the piece and the second, to improve its robust attitude.”

She's young eye will not watch – or seeing – in the same way he made before it was burned.

Like a lot of Palestinian who did out of Gaza to get critical medical assistance, algraya news. She misses the rest of her family, which must go after him.

Palestinian Sarah Al-Akady keeps the shot that doctors will be taken from his head in Egypt.

With permission from Sarah Al-Awady

He asked about the rusty bullet who lived in his headhead for four months, she said she had caught.

“I think of it shared,” she said to CPS news.

(TabstoTTransLate) War (T) Hamas (T) Israel (T) Israel Palestinians (T) Strip strip

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