California Statutors Support Bitcoiner Legislars For A 500 Billion.png

California statutors support Bitcoiner legislars for a $ 500 billion pension

California statutors have supported non-standard legislators His campaign For seat on the board of California (California staff retirement.

Calpers Evoming $ 500 billion finances of $ 500 billion serve over 2 million outside 2 million office. If they are elected, 13-ball was the first open open voice of 13-ball.

Bei is a 16-year-old soldiers Proof of staffAll nonprofit provides BitcoF Education for staff, unions and pension funds. It was previously on board of Stander Monica Morcain and the Village Firefire Union, like one of the Bitcoin holding a bitcoin.

Through his pre-suffters work, Bei has helped unions and pensions in reviewing and accept Bitcoin strategies. This includes Educational efforts who spell for a wisconsin retire system.

He said, “It has more ever more, participants and stakeholders must involve their pension funds. I'm running for the greatest contributors in the country.”

It was supported by a wide range of supporters, Tony vaza Mayor Lanacha Lanacha Lanachail 1109 Garrets of children and others. This diverse partnership shows the wide drawing of boi reference and qualifications.

Repair charges a portion of 60/40 in 60/40 by taking part and rising smooth levels. With the ballops out at the end of August, Bitcoin Bei reacted to the public staff to seek new strategies to take their retirement security.

Campaign Website accepting grants in two dies and bitcoin.

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