Indonesia records nearly 20% in the number of tourists last year, with nearly 14 million visits to the large islands.
The Government, who has been faering to pass on passengers failed with guests, he welcomed guests after the great covid-19 pandemic. “
The latest official data recommends that bali still is still as the first stop. Around 6.3 million of throwing 2024 the country touched up on the island's airport, more thanks than Jakarta, on the largest town.
The number of people coming on last year was around the same and in 2019, when Indonesia brought other visitors.
In the years of each side of the Covid travel restrictions, indonesian government has been busy encouraging other waters, and the amazing new red.
At the same time airlles have been adding air to destinations as a managed, close to driving places off the Sulawesi.
On Java, a crowded population, a borobudur, the largest shore of the world. Sumatra is home to tax, which is 100 kilometers long and 30 kilometers wide layer of the world's most of the world's largest volcanic lay. It fills Caledra of the Tob Supervolcano, the exhibit on the rites of ashes across many of India and seems to have caused several years of life.
Between west to east, thousands of islands are stretching wider in Canada, meaning a series of choices for passengers. But they take time if done by a boat, and it can be ended with air, with many routes that requires outside the way or balle.
(Tabstoranslate) Bali (T) Indonesia
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