Hudson's Bay says it makes the whole business liquid if no financial is possible


To close the whole business means 7,,7,764 employees crossed the Base stores of Canada, and 5 of the three leaders 5 of the three leaders are accustomed.

The oldest company in Canada is required to restructure the capital

Huddon's Gulf on about $ 1 B in debt, barely it can pay the staffs, billings

Court documents of the Huddan's Greement Picture of the Bay Company of the Hudson, Fashion Brand, Banks and Governments in various transactions with banks and governments. Company with only 3 million in hand, can barely pay its staff.

Department Store Chain Bayson says that it begins to take a liquid to your whole business as soon as it puts a more viable path.

The oldest company of Canada, which are School stores, it's been forced to the whole liquidity because the sharp attempt is not to restructure it.

Huddon's bit says it is optimistic that it can do the camppot and find a solution with stakeholders, avoid full closing.

To close the whole business means 7,,7,764 employees crossed the Base stores of Canada, and 5 of the three leaders 5 of the three leaders are accustomed.

The fluid made of the creditor company from the leadership of ONalio's high court judgment comes one week.

In its application, the grandfather's Bay said that it is facing financial struggles due to consumer spending, trade stress, and post-pondyric fall.

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