
Return his mission for astronauts successfully drawn

Create a major

The Mission returned to return for two of the worldworks launched successfully, the US space group said.

Tha Barriauts Barry Wilmore agus Sunie Williams a-nis air a bhith air an stèisean fànais eadar-nàiseanta bhon Ògmhios, ged nach robh còir aca ach a bhith air bòrd airson seachdain airson seachdain airson seachdain airson seachdain airson seachdain.

The Dragon Flown Space A Dragon Flown Space Salgonaidh Arkuya Onkuuta Onkuuta Onkuut's Peskuv, NaSa said.

The Duck's spacecraft is expected at what's late on the late Saturday.

Nasa Gotronuts said, Williams and Wilmore, with Roscosrer

Williams and Willdore arrived than the beginning of June on the first flight by a Beeing Beeing Airman. They only lived on what is living for a week, but lots of technical problems caused them with his trade in which.

The Beeing-which has been produced in a degree of newspaper is to a stage which includes capsule about 3 meters and service module.

Unlike the dragon's carriage of the dragon motor vehicle built by Elion Fax's Velly Musket, The Startliner does not come back on water but on dry ground.

Spacex Seacon 9 racket's rocket rocket tricked by the team of teams with team mission from the Kishach Nais. Jennifer Briggs / Zuma too much wire / DPA

Spacex Seacon 9 racket's rocket rocket tricked by the team of teams with team mission from the Kishach Nais. Jennifer Briggs / Zuma too much wire / DPA

(Tabstoranslate) Nasa Space Fen Country (T) SnNEDY (T) SnNINIAN LINIMS (T) International Space Station (T) CAPSA

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