
A man fled called Bombshell shooting battle on a 4imbabwe successful battle

A long Convoy of Lords of Armorri worn by Harrage's neighborhood – for a short time was opening in Zimbabwe.

“What's going on in Zimbabwe?” one person posted on social media. Another said: “The last time this was a couup.”

The Nick Manena's spokesman quickly wanted to fear of the public, explaining that the tanks in the main summit was a test of equipment and were not worried about “.

But the chat continued and reptive, appear much about the state of the country.

Ahead of normal military drill, the President Emennson Mandwa was from its first hour in the president of her first time in the retirement of his party.

The altoms took the remains of the remains of the College who passed, Robert Mike's time.

He had come to power in power in 1980 as the hero of the end of the Reverendes of a white-paved rule. But the Demise was banned when the veteran of the veterans of the Isle of Islands were out.

The Zanu-PF ball Zanu-PF has an Blessed Artisticators, also known as “Bombshed”, which has been launched a verbal offense against Mannagwa.

He came to anger when a little began to pushes to change the country's laws to change the president change in the presence of the country.

In a series of press conferences often, CLITTY-Duritte and with face-furry, he called again on President of 82-years to go or face to be removed.

“I have to apologize to help him into office,” Gaza said in one social conference about the President, which goes with the nickname “the crocodile”.

“As soon as he had a lot of power (Mnanawa), forgot the people and the old memory, was a member of a fixed checking center.

“MagnaaniaWa has also taken a state power to his wife and his children. We see a history of repeating.”

The news on Khaki shirt shoes because it is surrounded by the police outside in Harare.

The blessed channel had arrested meltana in the month arrested monthly monthly the month to interview Bombshell (AFP)

Zanu-PF has been issued with the “Destloy” comments – which has been described as “the Devil” – affecting Bombshed to make tats.

He requests the police on four expenses, including carriage stealing, obstructing the authorization of President and encourage public violence.

Blessed bombing, journalist interviewed by Bombshell back in November, arrested on charges to submit a message that indicates violence.

A troubled began to disturbed over MNAGAWWA's intersmen at the office at the time of Zanu-PF Crew-PF. The President is currently serving his second term and last term, the last term to end in 2028.

The slogan “2030 he began to have been done in spite of the conditions of the above boundaries.

They argued that it would have to stay in the role to complete his development “2030 surgery” as he was making such work.

It was then transported at the Zanu-PF Conference in December not particularly speaking on the third term to 2030.

Despite recently the purpose of a mnyagwa who was planning to step down in three years, the Catholic bishops have been involved.

In Pastoral's letter was Zimbabwe eels conferences Zimbabwe to disturbed the routine, unemployment and economic policing of normal Zimbabwans cost at normal Zimbabwans charge.

President George Carramba said it is a disappointment of the clergyman, speaks of Herald newspapers.

Nonetheless it seems a bombhairll message appeared on land. It has led to Purge in Zanu-PF, with Expossion of Gaza and some of his friends.

But perhaps the political inspector of Zhangaazha is likely to look like Gaza is a bit like a big crowd.

Zimbabwans celebrate soldiers on the street including a woman in a red t-shirt and black cardles with a toolguns in 2017

Zimban had on the streets to thank the army when Robert Mugabe Ous (AFP) was

These days are more common in a political spectacles so much, Zimbabwans, including challenging party supporters, thanks to the military party and the war ventirs.

“Even it attempts to gaza to talk about corruption and attributes to the BBC.

“I can guarantee you not to repeat it in 2017 by 2028,” he said, they would not be put out on the inside ousting mugabe and they would not be removed on the inside ousting mugabe.

This is also because there is a spit throughout the political landscape, including weak internet.

Even the older war soldiers represent the united face of the fact that Mr Zhangazha says.

Gaza has previously been supported for the International Debate Post President, but to be the chief of the other army, but the other war soldiers know back.

"You have a country where the position of the economic position declines. People can hardly be able to more than one food a day""Source: James Timba, Emplant Agree: Director of CCC, loans: James Twa

“You have a country where the position of economic circumstances. Will people can pay more than one food” James Timba

Political Inspector states that it is important to understand both Zimbabwe and Zanu-PF.

“They see themselves as carers, so you can't remove the receptionists,” he tells the BBC.

However, he believes the current objections on the bumbled, such as Bombshell encourages more with the public interest.

“They feel like they were excluded from the cick they should enjoy it,” he tells the BBC.

Mr Zahazha agrees that those reveals those who appear loyalty will be outlined in things as a productivity findings such as fertilizer and seeds such as fertilizer and seeds.

Jimmime Jimmy, a director of the Department of Commonest Commandment, Statementia for Change (smcc), it refers to the state of politics in Zimbabwe.

“You have a country where the condition of economic conditions declines. People may not get more than one meal in the day, he said to the BBC.

“We have supermarkets that literary chains,” he said, refers to the country, one of the most sellers of larger vendors in others.

Mr Zhangazha gave a preview of preview of the rapid economy even Growth Thanks to the Favorite from Deleting USID.

The president of Zimbabwe Mnandnawa in flowers are Zimbabwe colors and a chain of his Dists.

Emmorson gave Monagawa, once an executive mugabe, over the run of Zimbabwe after your Cull 2017 guarding the New Number (GETTY)

Timba is still recovering to recovering a five month stint in prison, spending most of the source of protyry, springing a ceremony and toilet with 80 people.

It was arrested in June, along with over 70 people, to celebrate a barbeque international day.

The treatment was – and how those of the pasture – appearing as the convicted political, he said to the BBC.

“The challenge is challenges. There are challenges or government worth a sale for early choosing, to investigate and decide to investigate and decide to investigate and decide to investigate. “He said.” He said.

“Otherwise represents a great extent (when you're talking about extending office term.”

However, there is little chance in an early chance.

For now Bombshed still in hiding and the elections of years have gone – but the debate will continue to continue.

More about Zimbabwe from the BBC:

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(Despair of Metty / BBC Pictures

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(Tabstoranslate) Robert Tagbe

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