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A market attack by a ParamalRal group in Sudan leaves at least 54 dead scores

Killed an open market in Omdder by 54 people and injured group at least 158, Health author, Saturday.

The attack with the Fast support forces On the SABrein Market the most recent of a series of fatal attacks in the nose Civil War This has broken north Africa.

The idea was not immediately view from the RSF, which has been cutting the house since April 2023.

KtlandIDE Alistir, Minister for Culture and the Government spokesperson, saying that many women and children were involved many women and children. He said the attack caused widespread and wide.

“This criminal Act contributes to the bloody chart of this military,” he said in a statement. “It will be a blanter break on the law of international humanity.”

Shian Sudarate doctors told one meter mortar mortar (rod) away from al-naw hospital, most of the market casualties. Most of the groups and children, enhance major shortage of medical medical teams, especially surgeons and nurses.

Video to social media showing a UK Nazar TV had all the backed body bags outside the hospital. The injury treated, some on the ground floor, including a chest injury, another with a head injury, and one with a head injury, and one with a head injury.

Last week, around 70 people were killed in RSF attack in the same action hospital in a city of Darfur.

The Conflict has killed over 28,000 people, destroyed millions and some families feed on hay in an emergency attempt to survive as sweeping famine parts of the country.

It was indicated by Overall orrokemitude involving killing and an enthusiastic motivation rapeAccording to the agency of countries and rights.

The international criminal court said he inspecting crimes and crimes of war in accordance with humanity. The US has been circling the RSF and its full abilities of the war.

In the last few months the RSF has flown a number of battlefield towns, giving the upper hand in the war. It has lost control of many areas in Khardoium, a capital of capital in Omduism, and the eastern and middle categories.

Throughout the main weapons of WAD Campbell, Gezira's capital of Gezira, and the largest oil force in the country.

(Tabstoransites) Civil war

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