About, 000, voting 'garbage' NDP as not informing the election of the Southwest candidate

In the process of elections, the elections are informed of the polls in the election that one of its candidates were resulted in one of the candidates.

Great treatment of Grameen Southern Ontacity Ontacity Ontacity Ontacity of London saw 51,465 polling balls with the part of the central of London. Of these, 7.7388 Amanda Zawitz went to Zawitz, who left a week before Thursday's election.

“They are ashamed, Kelly Alig said, referring to the new Democrat.

Eli told CBC's news that when he voted in Soundsally, she discovers the introduction of the back of the zawitz.

“I think they apologize to our constituencies and our area. We collected about 5,000 voters in our area for their party. It's dirty.”

Progressive conservative insuntant insurted insucking Rob Flakes received 2,719 votes, the Dogwetsh 12,578

The CBC newslets sent a request for the commentary to the comments and the publication did not return.

Zavitz announced in February 20, a day she was captured in New York a day with her presentation presentation in New York. Junvitage, whose white, expressed the secret wisdom to be black women. The controversy with progressive cannons began after highlighting video during the election campaign.

According to Antario Prabhymen, in accordance with the return of the NDP Zawitz.

“We have yet to get out of any candidate in Elvinian and the candle,” Dr. SabC News said to the CBC news of the election night.

Election ontario CBC is a formal process that has a formal process – it handles the person's name, ride and a Witness to a witness.

If the candidate has been taken to be aware of the candidate for the fact that their names are taken back to make their name voter, their names have been taken to make their name voter.

This was not a record of its farm after the election election, when Aliga was laid out of the local polling station.

“I found it unique. It was like a critical election.” This is a lot of conversation. “

Opponents 'pulled'

While which candidates have received what the candidates have received it was impossible that the voters had taken back by votes for the generation, it is Mistipi for other parties campaign.

“I'm checking to hear about it,” Lava Surya said Law Sudo, Laha Surya. “We are very disappointed. This process will be a suitable part of the process that electrario to informal the election.”

Huiderm said that he did not mean the lack of information when lacking information mean that they did not mean a full picture when they did not mean a full picture. She said that the results have not decreased by the results, the resulting by the liberalists continue through formal complaints.

Halonau also helped Javit to the social media, announced the social media by announcing her back.

Amanda Store, Green Party Candidate Alvina-Medical London, London, Strengthens the idea of ​​misconduct that voters are not votes.
Amanda, Green Party Candidate for Elvina Sham-Martya-Martyx-London, they reported that Jawitz has been reported after the voting of the Jawat. (AManda Starr / Facebook)

2633 Voting Green Party Campawkhi Chiant Star said that they are not informed during advance votes.

Sidda said, “The parties representing both sides.” If her supporters (I have otherwise) would you vote for me? This is another unfortunate statement, but there's nothing. “

Condition, Rock, said the importance of clear communication in the election.

“It's a feeling of powerlessness and discouragement,” said the gaps, “said Shore,” We are running for office), “said Shooting for office) why,” said Shortness) Why are we shooting on the legs here? “

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