
Alfa Romeo sends bands with gasoline engines

  • Alma Romeo Boss Santo Ficili said in Linkin's post that the next facilities and phavia will be available in the power of Hiry.

  • Ficili also confirmed that the next stelvio and cheek casting the Great Strellated Stella.

  • The upmber stelvio is expected to be displayed by the end of 2025.

Takes to LinkedinAldo Romeo is determined, the models are stelvio and the crew of both pulledrains under the hood. The post is coming after AlFas Chief Executive of Ficily spoke to the media at the media program for the Jarba I4.

The postaintin post offers the revision of the next generation and the next generation and its greater larger stal platform and proof that the Great Stla platforms and determines that the Great Stla platforms.

Now, this ends formerly bench push, which was planned to start in 2027. But this is not just a new position from Stenlaton and went out on other bands.

Both Dodge and Jeep have attempted to walk for pupil line, as well as also exploited the parents' multi-energy platforms.

In the case of hybrid PowerReain that enables the power of your stlvio or plivia wheels, that is still fitting in Turin.

It would make sense to be responsible for the form of the typical six-cycle of six cylinder, or may be on the GME-Zemer. We say that the 1.3 liter is from the tonale appears, but nothing could be on the menu.

We also know that the next gen will be The only cow of the same cow of the current model may not be. However, Ficili clearly made a stelvio questions when he signs her further this year. SGiant should follow shortly afterwards, and both are built in Italy.

Do you think it's smart for Alta Romeo to collaborate to gasoline engines? Please tell us your ideas below.

(Taverstoranslate) AlFa Romeo

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