
Allow Telegram Foundation, PAVL DOUB led to leave French – France – despite continuous criminal study

PAVEL DUVAT DURV, Founder and Head of Apple Telegram messages, is not necessary to stay in France. Source Told out The judge took the meeting of the DURV case to take the request to explain the terms of the lecture.

“As you could have returned, I've returned to Dubai after completing a number of months over the course of a message. “The process is going on, but it feels very well.”

DURV was arrested on 24 August, 2024, after the stembate on a private jet was a private airport with Bourget aircraft. Spent four days in police hold – leading to Broad coverage of his arrest.

Shortly afterwards, 500 vons court, which is in charge of the inspection, described the reasons for arrested. By most of the costs that turning around the tale enables the movement of organized competition, childcare transactions (and a child's abuse) on the platform and social platforms).

At the time, durov Agreed To pay € 5 Million ($ 5.5 million at current exchange rates) and to view a police station twice a week. Its enforced from leaving France when the study is. But these conditions are likely to be amended – enables it to leave the country.

Picis court did not declare the reasons for changes to the DURV management situations.

A few days after arrested, telegram of the website and app Allow specifically Users to describe the private rods for moderators. Before Caithness, the company had said it was “(no) any requests associated with (Muirt cats and group of group).”

After this radical change of course, telegram removed Millions of organizations and channels.

In more detail on the Durv Channel announces that, when it comes to show that, when they meet the lawyer, when it meets the legal duties, when they meet their lawyer, but for their lawyer. “

DVV is not out of the forest just yet. In spite of operation, the study continues to continue criminal terms in France. On the side of the Plus, at least Durov will not be submitted to send him in France.

(Tabstoranslate) PAVV DURVV

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