LEEPEOgram's field and phonetic speech punishment for Durov Oct. 10, in St. Petersburg, and showed a number of social media platforms online.
When he studied at the State Past Stateburgh University, DJV was promoted by success of the Facebook and Foundation, Mark Zuckerberg Platform of the vkountakte social media (Vk) in 2006.
A platform is a platform similar to Facebook but the objective toward Russia's speaking people, and is one of the largest social media platforms in the world.
A portrait of a small phavation as a durov as a teenager. Source: Co-paintelegraph
The growth of Meteoic Master drawn out that they stress the company until the government's claim and compliance with government requests.
Durov refused to adhere to these applications out of the principle of the principle of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of freedom of the Foundation.
However, the Uic Football was very difficult to work on the next draft before VK, the platform for a household in Crypto – telegram.
Related: Won Association celebrates the Durv Schover leaving the France as a free speech winner
Pavel and his brother Nikolai Durov Telegram
The Durov Brothers launched a telegram in 2013. Then, the platform is on Garnered more than 950 million users all over the world Due to Privacy Grants, which messages have been introduced to an end.
Telegram has firm features that involve a comedy nets, Torrent Minor Torres and games.
The platform is also on Symbiotic relationship with the open network (Ton) – a separate blockcracy network which has been a Starry Center for users of the messaging request.
The telegram set up on messages at the Ticcrunch disturbing conference. Source: Techcrach
according to ForbesThe telegram of the telegram in March 16, has a bare value of $ 17.1 billion in March 16, 2025 – primarily on telegram.
In March 2024, the entrepreneurship announced that Telegram despair wished a profit He considers the original public offer to be a public.
Paulv Dunvat Durovat is Libyarian and has been excluded in the exclusion of the campaign philosophy to Telegram. In post 20th January, Durov Write:
“I'm proud to have long speegram has taken long speegram before he became safe to do so. Our values are not responsible for the US Targe Circle.”
The Libertian Counshole Counshole, committed to free speech, and finally free the free speech in the French government stacks.
Pavel Durov Durov has been arrested to France crying political detergent
Pavel duvat durov The hold in France On 24 August, 2024, due to the lack of content modeling on telegram, and After that stops French prosecutors With problems with illegal actions and refuse to communicate with authorities.
Durov talks of guests independent news on the independent news on-earning news before arrested in August 2024. Source: Tucker Carder
Shortly after arrested, the tale of the ballet and released from the care of the treatment of the Central Properables in the Culture proceedings.
Arrested base raised outrage CRYPTO applicants include France government to use State power in Crowde in Crowning or resulting the respect of a stage or respect the government.
The President of the France Emmanuel's President is a complaint that it has been put out to be politically arrested, a apply to the French Directordid they not rude more rocks from Crypto community.
On March 15, Parb Drov According to the left statement of France and a building to Dubai, where a talegram is available, after permission from French law enhanced officers to leave the country.
Ach, chan eil e soilleir dè cho fada 'sa bhios durov a' fuireach ann an Dubai, mar a bhios an sabaid cruinneil airson saorsa labhairt, prìobhaideachd, prìobhaideachd agus neo-eisimeileach a 'leantainn.
Journcome: Did Slevel's Pavel Durov do a crime? Crypto lawyers measure in