
As you can update towns to cities

As you start a path length of your borders and expanding your empire in Vii civilizationPlease note that investment in settlement and sends them on a meal to settle a new land that he is previously in the past as an ember incoming ceremonies. You start with a township. Town is a small settlement, held back by its size, able to spend a number of experts or building special structures. But your footprint is in the world.

Should you turn towns to cities in Cath Vii?

The product or product queue in vii civilization.

Screenshot: Menkis / kotaku games

I've always been the kind of building high when playing the 4x strategy game, because it allows me to confirm my power within a small slope inside a small slope. All my income is all income, my military units, and my borders still within my reach, and I can re-report troops on the battle. But if you prefer to play a broad play, you will learn that Vii civilization His town's system restores to include towns, you may upgrade. But why would you like? Cities come with additional expenses and duties, but the rear of the cudduity is.

With time, as you extend and introduce more gold, you can turn a town to a city-for-burgh, and even units. Therefore, the best to spread your cities out but not too long; You want the ability to put an units quickly units.

So why would you keep a village instead of renewal to city?

  • Towns make goods and services ending in gold, feeding emprists each foot
  • A town has to be so mid-star, as you don't have tabs always held on production and maintenance
  • You can specialize a town to focus on food, which is then distributed in your Empire, allows the cities to focus on a minority details, disability and keeps people happy

Geres of town's sweets

  • Itself: Increase growth of town before 25 percent
  • Town of Dun: Additional to nearby units and +25 Health to walls
  • UHI Center: +1 Culture and Science
  • Tow farmingN: +1 food to farms, grazing, plantations and fishing boats
  • Mining town: + – – + -'tcuthenting to camps, Wetcutters, pithered pit, mines, and quarries
  • Religious Site: +2 happiness and +1 memory slot to temples
  • HUB city: +2 the effects of each settlement attached to this town
  • Outpost trade: +2 Happiness each of the utmost utition in the city and +5 trade route fields

How and why do you make a town update to a city

Update details to convert a town to a city in the civilization.

Screenshot: Menkis / kotaku games

How to expand and progress, you will get the opportunity to go growth. They reach some development of a specific point and will further develop. Then, you can update from town to the city, but it has to great length of gold according to different moods. The highest level is 1,000 gold, and the least excess is about 200 gold.

Once you have built a village and for a city turn, select the town in question and decline in the city. ” This option will discuss the total cost in advance and send you that it is a permanent update. If you are satisfied with the gold requirements, click “ok.”

The evolution is automated!

You can play Vii civilization Now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One Snow Sown X | S, and nintended.

(TagstoTTranslate) Civil Civil (T) Games Games (T) Pitux (T) Pitux (T) Pitux (T) Kotaku

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