Baldurs Gate 3 Roguelike Mod Trials Of Tav Reloaded 01.jpg

Baldur's Gate 3's popular roguelike revamp mod just got a complete update, including a level 27 “superboss” for the uber-masochists out there

Thanks to Larian himself and modders, Baldur's Gate 3 keeps getting new patches added, as it's clear that the massive base game hasn't been enough to eat up the free time of die-hard DnD buffs.

Lots of people were busy making cool stuff with BG3 last year, both before and after official mod support for the game arrived last summer, and one of the coolest creations was I saw 'Trials of Tav'. Basically, modder Hippo0o managed to develop a full-on roguelike mode for the game, allowing you to go on your own adventure fighting endless hordes of enemies, like they told us around the time.

Now, as updates for the original mod slow down, other modders have started releasing their own spins on Trials of Tav – giving it a fresh coat of tweak and paint. addition to his main base. enter'Tav Tests – Reloaded', by modder Celerev.

Their revamped version of the roguelike mode is designed to include “bug fixes, revised monsters, new scaling, (and) new enemies adapted from a tabletop”. What kind of new enemies, you ask? Well, one of them is a final test of sorts – “a true 'superboss', level 27, designed to pull out all the stops in classic RPG fashion”.

“He will be the last creature available in scaling, and if you defeat him, you can basically consider the run 'won'”, the modder writes. This is the part where you say 'challenge accepted', unless you've died 20 times to the rats in the basement of Elfsong Tavern.

Additionally, Celerev writes that they have added over 60 enemies from the base game, including “unique enemies that have rarely been fought” like Nine-Fingers Keene and like a sheep to the slaughter. There are also some new custom bosses, and plenty of bug fixes for the existing ones. Mechanically, the scale levels have been changed to ensure that “creatures with thematic, powerful abilities can be reasonably added without worrying that the player will never be able to make the saving throw” and the shops have been redone – balance.

“I can't overstate how amazing the job Hippo0o did (in creating the original mod),” Celerev concludes, “Although I benefit from the resource and a lot time digging into the mechanics of the game, wrote the scripting lua Hippo0o to create a complete, functional and extensible game mode from scratch is a real passion, a ton of effort, and real skill higher levels are liked my contribution.”

Naturally, you'll probably end up sticking with the original Tav Tests if you find that these tweaks don't suit your style, but it's good to see modding concepts as this one grows over time. If nothing else, it might be something to try while you wait to see if you get into the Pattern 8 that's a test ready to start this month.

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