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BITLYER extends a bitcoin access with the first bitVm installation

SETLYER has taken a big walk in the wider block ecosystem by maximum maximum of the values ​​of BitVm, a new framework to enable the smallest Bitcoin.

Through partnership partnership Base'Stardnet' Arbiter (ArbSonic, and a network of a plumum, the BitVm Bitlayer Bridge aims to extend the bitcoin's (Btc) a facility over Motivation finance and the contemporary contemporary funding applications, according to a press release by Crypto.News.

The CBBTC will allow the Bitcoin funds to use the Fund the Fund on Consultative Summons, including to the Deni Junction chains.

Arbuium users will be able to now be able to be a bitcoin assets that be heard through A Mitlay's Pitlayer frameworkfurther strengthening the network of network defi. At the same time, Strondet, Collup experience will be inappropriately contract, connecting with bitlayer movement and helpful scrace movement.

Plumum network, first full-type 1 resource in relation to rounded funds, by solving the Vitcoin Little Funding for financial results. This drifts on plume mission to traditional fricered treasure with blockcaric technology.

There will be Sonic, the virtual hang Halina's virtual machine, linking Bitcoin to liquid the Bitcoin and Social media platforms.

New Use of Use for Bitcoin

Betlayer aims to solve $ 1.9 bitcoin torches, enables new financial use cases. BTC holders have access to farming, lean, loan, and keeps eye Opportunities for these chains. These lost the loyalist is a major driver of Defi-defi, providing more apple traditionally.

Betlayer makes plans to continue the bitvm ecosystem by taking part with additional blockhers and Difi Protocols.

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