- Before month +14.5K
- Unemployment rate 6.8% vs 6.6% expected (6.5%)
- Full time earnings +54.2K vs +25.6K previously
- Part time earnings -3.6K vs -11.2K previously
- Participation rate 65.1% against 64.8% previously
- Average hourly wages y/y 4.1% vs 4.9% previously
- Private sector employment +6.3K vs +20.5K previously
- Public sector employment +45K vs -17.2K previously
Ahead of the data, the market was pricing in a 56% chance of a 50 bps cut from the Bank of Canada. The probability jumped to 68% for a 50 bps cut after the release.
This article was written by Giuseppe Dellamotta at www.forexlive.com.
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