China's Chinese Technological Technology broke (Catl), pictured here on the first Business in Germany at the end of the 2019 Overseas 2019 and to add up to 2,000.
Martin Schutt | Photos of Photos | Gtty images
China Contemporary Technological Technology Posted at 9.7% which entered in Annual Income, Wars a price exchanging films of the Electrical Marship was attacking the largest battery market in the world
Income for the period of 12 month period came in at 362 at 362 billion Yuan ($ 50.01 billion), just under average library of 368.7 yuan yuan. It identified the first ever income in an annual income since the company began to release the operational numbers in 2015.
Despite the annual fall in income, LOP profit increased with 15% of Whorers yuan.
Will come to earn as the company slate for listing On Hong Kong stock exchange. Rters report that the contract is expected to build at least $ 5 billion in the first thing that offered the first largest public offer from the city of Chinese tiktok competitive Apneiahou 's $ 5.32 billion offering public offer In early 2021.
Chinese sales of electrical cars – moving to a higher geographic gear last year with a variety of customer's subsidies and motivation treatment of customer's subsidy Sale jumped in China down 40% after year 8 million vehicles hit 1124, according to the UK Research Company Rho motion.
Cats – The Battery Maker in the world, famous for making a lower cost cells but is stable – counting Tesla, Volkswagen, Li cars, Nio As the master customer and enjoy a 45% market section in China last year as it according to data from China Advotational Pateroways.
Catl item, marcone Capters of 1.12 Dark Trone Yuan is in Thursday, according to data from sk.
In January, Department of the US Nandard added Chinese Internet Bier Tencent on his list of “Chinese military companies,” to prohibit the department from travel materials and services from these companies starting June 2026
The company also cooked the month last month last month, also crossed perians too into his business.
The batterfather is shrimored to be pressed with overseas deposits, including battery factory in the Hungary to sell it to such Mercedes and BmwIn addition to a joint venture With automaker Stelaton To build a battles in Spain.
(Taverstotranslate) Naidheachdan Briseadh: Asia
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