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Chinese F1 GP: Hamilton Hals 'Mega' the First Franar Win | Mortopports news

Lowtecton Hislecton Ferrari is going from the beginning to the end of the Sprint Race before the grand Sunday Grand Sunday.

Lewis Hamilton says the first to a Ferrari's first form of formula of Ferrari feeling “mega” and hopes to put more Chinese battle for Sunday.

World Global Competition Directed from the beginning to the end On Saturday in the Sprint, just his second race for Ferrari, in a wonderful reply to criticized by being disappointed after him Melbune Melbune's Shifal Course.

The 40-year British Britain ruled his checked flag ahead of the Simurrakered Sìlair McLaren, Who begins Grand Dubix on a poleand max Red's Max VerSTappen in the 100km race (62-mile).

This was the first time Ferarri and Hamilton together from Janiceds in January after the release of the abbreviated form was introduced in 2021.

“Started to start the pole, starting from the first side in Ferrari and wins in Ferari for next level,” The six times a Chinese Chinese nine winner.

“And I didn't expect it to be at the second race.”

Sangai, China - March 22: Lewis Hamilton driving in Safri Safri Sfrari Jix, 2025 in Shanghai Yes. (Photo with CLIVE Rose / Getty images)
Lewis Hamilton from Britain driving the Scudra SCUDI SCU-25 through a tugs and County Rose / Gettry

Hamlton, whom the Grand Dubs begun from the fifth Sunday, “he would not want to win, but the route did not want to win. “

The Brittton was felt that his main incident was not the main event and could be a faster otherwise.

“Tonight, I just go to make a major plan about winning. And then I'm going to try and” I said. “That's where my minds is at.”

Performer Hamilton finished the fifth and said he set up his car a little bit differently to the other side of the garage.

“I wouldn't blame the car with Lewis doing a good job,” said the monegoquque.

“I really struggle with this route historical route, and this is not an exception of this weekend. But I don't answer a good start to turn up.”

The sowered shaded shadow was the contaminated raft.

“As soon as you are in the dirty air, you're struggling to pass,” Vasseur said. “It's much harder to govern.”

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