After Pakistani police arrested 1,000 supporters of Imran Khan who marched to the country's capital demanding the release of the jailed former leader in the November 2024, an old video resurfaced in social media posts falsely claiming to show a doctor talking about the government's “cruelty” to the protesters. In fact, the video is from 2021 and the man was dealing with the Khan government's response to violent anti-French protests that paralyzed large parts of Pakistan.
“Seeing the government's worst cruelty on (Khan's) unarmed supporters, a doctor also cried out,” read the Urdu-language caption to video uploaded to X on November 27, 2024, where it has been shared 2,000 times.
The video shows a man criticizing Khan for his treatment of the protesters despite the former leader applications to want to build a just and equal Pakistan (archive link). It then cuts to a shot of injured people sitting and lying on the floor.
The post had hashtags mentioning it complaints to demand the release of the imprisoned former prime minister, his supporters marched to the capital Islamabad in late November 2024 despite a ban on public gatherings (archive link).
The pro-Khan convoys clashed with security forces, who responded with volleys of rubber bullets and tear gas. The crowd was eventually evacuated from the city center in a security crackdown, with nearly 1,000 people arrestthe police said (archive link).