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Did the Secretary of State's Secretary stops financial assistance to Ukraine?

Marco Rubio, State of State

Politico is out with a very interesting report After receiving a report showing guidance from the new State of Marco Rubio. It says – Against reports at the time – without cutting order of action order from Trump support from overseas to the Ukrain.

The Secretary of Marco Rubio stopped spending on Friday on most foreign support grants for 90 days. The order, which surprised the state departments, relating to funding for the Army Support for the Ukrain.

Rubio's instruction, which was issued to all the Diplomatic and Consign Profession, asking the Department of Work Staff ” In existing foreign, “according to the document, politico. It's immediately effective.

My belief is here that pollico received something wrong or the state's division has a little confusion as this goes immediately against what they were saying.

The new guidance only does not undertake any other activities to disseminate funding to the Advanced Program Education, according to the Advanced Government, according to the new Government Government, according to the new Government Government, according to any other actions to fund projects agreed with the new current guidance.

Rubio has been a supporter of the úrrin and a hamper from the beginning so it would be an odd turn from it too. That, Trump has recently speaking about emphasizing the Ukrain accepting peace of some kind.

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