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Ditches Hiterjely Ditchyjely, profit of $ 700k as the bowl of gambit the whale


  • Hyperlquit traversely traveled $ 12 million in which Jelly-jelly toadle tank Scheme.
  • Concerns were raised on Hyperliqloid liquidity and with him.

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Hyperliquid thickness includes a shared marriage terrace through the exchange, almost sinking with the loss of HLP in a $ 12 million losses.

The situation started earlier today when commercial have opened Jellyjely is $ 8 million with a lock of a low grain at around $ 20 million at the time, according to data Find by Aveighhek Pawa, a controversial action set. The commerce has then remove a margin, bringing out hypelaqlqoid (hLP) to reduce and move the large position.

The jellyjely liquid dissolving jellyjely in another place, pumping the wave price, transferring their circumstances.

The liquid bathered in the remaining short position, which was about $ 12 million losing the price of Jeelfly was going to close. Mark's cap is the touch at about $ 50 million before you do in.

Encrypted on the short brief routes and habbied slabs, wallet that he created starting with “0x20se8“It opened a long way of jellyjely. As the SPONYROCKED Price, the trading was packing over $ 8 million in profits.

At the time, if a jellyjely price is rising and the capture of $ 150 million captured the risk of $ 150 million captured the risk of threatening. These fear is discount as vanrent and okx mentioned They listed to the mark of their customers' markets.

After that nominated mentioned Jellyjefly rhythm. The exchange of the exchange followed the disease on X.

Eventually Hyperliquid set at 3 0.0095, earning a $ 703,000 profits without any loss, according to Lookmononnachan.

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