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Donald Trump made the right thing by rescuing Ross Ulbricht

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Technically, Donald Trump finished his campaign guaranteed by not to free silk of Ulbricht on a day of his leadership. (No, there is no ordinary day in “zero day.”) But as I explained in my opinion Before beforeI didn't expect the first literal day recounting anyway. Even day two days higher than what I expected. Trump delivered, and I am very happy to do.

When I first heard of the Silk Road in 2013, I had instantly promoted by purchase attitudes and selling an on-line concept online. To this day, the best pound fish before the war ends: it takes away seller from street systems.

The discovery of silk road as I learned about bitcoin first. I started writing about the digital money a few months later, and I'm still at today. In a way, I wish my career to lbricht.

I was sentenced to a spending Ulbricht in prison, Its greudus in prison. Even if you believe it is guilty of a matter of case (each decline of the back of bars), more than a bars on back bars.

To be sure, I don't believe Trump really don't care about ulbricht; Could free it on his first term if it was true. And definitely the intention of the reliance does not attempt to end the war on drugs; If anything, it's about increased with Assigning cards to be terrorism agencies and Introducing the death penalian on drug dealers. Trump promised to promise to pardon with political, but to believe his word.

Ros are finally free. Well, and were good in spite of the Trump, and everyone else who helped doing this happening.

This article is a Take. Comments expressed by the author, and that is not necessarily showing a BTC Inception or Bitcoin Magazine.

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