El Salvador signs Crypto Governance Agreement by Paraguay

El Salvador has submitted a management agreement with a paragginguay on CryptocCursecies.

Security of Money or Paraguay Fund (Sepporlad) signed to a Underateding Memorandum (MoU) by a National Business of Digital Fund (KAQ).

The document has the right to work between the Crypto Division, said on her website. The type and CNAC also collaborate in searching and control of Crypto work in scruguay, the group, and strengthening washing tutors.

“El Salvador continues to share the path and thrive in a digital sector, strengthen innovation in an endless economy.”

When details of the Agreement, Reyes are not referred to Cookk to a Master Paraguay's statement or a central package of the British Bank.

Paraguayans were advised not interaction with CrypTo groups who did not authorized or managed by the Director.

The in the middle, told you the importance of “of the Management Agreement between the type.

A elvadar has been founded one of the most advanced crypto the governance frameworks in the world. The gand was built for managed a digital fund; The approach of the group Technology Group Group is suggested in detail of the Shalvador Assets Service (DASP).

The Gand is clearly the same point for all digital conditions in the country, meaning the Commission that the Commission has not been reported by law, residents had been reported by the Commission. It is unclear if the agreement with paraguay involves setting a similar structure for the country of South America.

The Crystain Agreement was signed by December.

“At the CNAD it has two main objectives, when it comes to international collaboration,” Reayes cookeredk at the time. “To share our knowledge with international partners, allow them to make a rule of commanding business.”

Source: https: .. ConWWEKS.com/policy/22/10/10/le-Grath-cryptorement-agryptoy

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