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Emma Readersuu: Open Competition Chambers Emma Navarro open | A tennis news

Emma ratanu didu produce an exciting show to find out an eighth of Navaro 7-6 (8-3 7-6) in Friday.

Raatan, Play open miami place She finally put his test with the flooding Vladimir Placteik after just two weeksBordeed through her opening match against Saykaaiii's Wednesday, after leaming Indian sources were left in the first round this month.

Ahead of her game with 6h Navaro, rackeu was seen hit by Mark Petchey. Her old coach of her box was in the box for the distance attached.

Pure joy for rankanu

2021 – Emma Ratdanu winning us open.

2025 – Emma Rataganu Records of the first best best best of the first 10 who won her first time hard-time.

Talking to Sky Sport 'Laura Roson, said: “I'm very proud of the second set and I thought my legs were going to stop.

“In the third set I used a lot of emotion. I have gone through a lot and I have always told it to leave it through all points depending it.”

She said: “That was number one (winning the year) as he thought he was fighting last year.”

Ragasu came out struck the blend of Navilo, who reached the activist to continue its residence in a form.

The old British British or 1 could not monitor the Gameplan bringing aggressive, however, they lost the intense set of rans.

The American was easily served to take the second set of 6-2 in the legs and have been revealed of the casting and medical time for blheters.

After looking down and out when he dragts 3-1, her energy shouted to earn four games in a row, although she was not able to provide a service.

But Rannau hit again to send full pension competition to decide her maximum first maximum benefit. She will play the winner of the game between 30th Linda Noskova or America McCartney Kessler next.

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RacSon says it had to take power through enthusiast and pain to a battle against Navaro

A story about the tape

Emma Readsu: Match stats

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“That's going to be a very strong confidence for her. As a big win!”

Delgado: Somebody's a Petchey is a Petchey to Rascduhu

Laura Bowon by Jamie Delngado at Mixi Open
Laura Robon spoke to Jamie Delgado about Ragadanu working with Mark Petchey

Jamie Delgado, who are currently coaching old world No 3 Grigrat Dimitrov, speaks about the Racananu Coaching situation.

She benefits from Hemelor Jane O'DOGUE and Low tennis coaches after its experienced slurvakian.

Andrew Murray Voice Bjorkman V Gael Monfils Water Feb 27 March in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Brunskill / Magty Images)
Mark Petchey collated joined Moray at an early stage of office

Delgado told Sky sports tennis: “It's never the best time to change coach or change in a past time but this is a first kay feeling.

“She got people before she wishes, that they wish to be like her around her is a great lift at its first match.”

Talk about the Radgeaganu seek in a coach, “” she's after someone with the past, this is something he could help this week. “

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