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Etheringum is a lesson falling in the integrity of blocking

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In Ditchendized Networks world, the battle lines are straight between the Flocarks but within the spinning duties. Bitcoin, by stressing itself, is being like and get to be like-up and commitment to seven-shire principles, freedom and fact. Etheringum, on the other hand currently reflect a strong difference in community attractions and leadership philosophy.

Recently Vitalts recently Vitalik has recently about the Etherneeum's subconstituted dramatic dramatic dramatic dramatic dramatic dramatic dramatic format. They reflect a community which resembles a priority over the burearonic contents and “WokE” to introduce the body's society. Etheringum procedure, under Urcherum guidelines, appears refusing to accept “mind from the bullen era” that has been PrivTal in Bitcoin success. This mentally had “toxic sizes” by aircraft (the routes to Vientike himself, putting a barren of basic values ​​as symbolized and security.

Source: Vitlik Tweet https://x.com/vitalikbutin/status/1888063579779771904423

There is poisonous, in this context, growing as things. It accusing the facts who are happy to speak facts and maintain the integrity of the original scene. Choosing a bureauuuuuuctic coping, asviet enjoyed by HRs leading to a landscape where it is to be considered to be consistent. This is not a pre-set of opposition just a long time coming but probably calling appropriate to those who have frightened from the blockhinan technology.

Comparison to that, the current EtherEum turning will show the tapping under pressure, reflect the very true colors appear – not for the first time.

Vittalik call to stop trade to prevent the Dubker's duck from throwing the price of the Esh.

No Bitcoin, unlike Ethering, setting up the base, and in design. Does this make our management process a hundred hours more difficult? Completely, and that is particularly the point. Even if I do not always agree with the criticism at the heart of the Bitcoin's heart, I recognize the value in experiences a particular moment. The Etheringum lump is never a magnet for centralized control, and the empty power There would be fallsing away with soos forever. Bitcoin management could be sent to death, but EtherEum is now opposite gate of unconstitable sheep cases. I would like to see Vittalik back to Bitcoin; It is not reliable. However, his current post is the “Man in control” only why is bitcoin avoid public figure. The plebs, runners of the egg are in control, and that's the best way.

Source: https://x.com/vitalikbutin/status/188816934384676?76?76?76

The future lack of disgusting may be suggested the future of this foundation.

The Irish is here to see; While he was struggling Etherheum, other platforms such as supply standing.

But it seems that these migration is likely to be from their mistakes. They recognize the ugly of an uglyum and Vietik, but instead of seeking true axioms of a good network, they move to even more centralized cash.

However, a temporary look is temporary. The name “telephone telephone” on the call is called to escape to Bitcoin, the same CryptocRSS on his promises without the drama. They need to get rug on a sole-end before they finish the last time on last occasion, like a bitcoin only.

This drama is at Espieum has been breaking for years, and as long as it could be late coming, it is not quick for humanity. The time is spent on what some could argue the better laird of land on involving non-winning technologies and freedom.

Since EtherEum continues to address his inner conflict, it's a warning tale. It reduces the importance of community promoting the truth over reporting, freedom over control, and spread across decisions. Bitcoin appears stronger stronger to war civil war they did not just about living; It was about determining the sound of his principles. Etheringum's ongoing struggle may be the right to return the block for the block of the block.

Tayus Bonus – Please happen ED: https://x.com/status/status/188102931011903772

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