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FELK Barceelona. No apologies!

Hi Ko Uura – the journalist Luyd Paute is an article in al mando about Hanslona style about Hanslona, ​​marks its assistance.

The article was as follows:

“The method is forced by Hink Felk remains clear, it is not in the style of the playing style which runs out, and controls the opponent in the most sensitive fields.

It is a style of which combines a fixed member and smoothly flat, and depends on the fighting 0-2 teaming or a great difference. The rockolone is a long way to win three titles: two games in the king's cup, five matches that may leave in the League.

But the team has a common ethos to overcome any barriers. Using a decline in all contexts, Barcelona, ​​is directed by FLC, while some dealing with trying to try to try confidence and confidence.

(Tabstoranslate) Hi kona

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