Some of the German Fritten carried some of the people who could use Lebanon's hat in the northwest of Port Willanland.
Families, Friends and Communications said to the team at the pier, and many speights came to watch left.
The Frition Branmurden was already part of the United Nations Force in Lebanon (uniform) on the east side of last year. The mission aims to secure the borders in the Burgh and prevent arms to support a keen tutor.
The Presiding Director of Banndon Robert Meyer-Brekhof, in a statement published by the Navy that the practice is particularly very good in the Middle East.
“I am looking forward to the mission confidently and I am sure that the ship and team are successfully trained,” he said.
The ship is expected to be used for approximately six months and replace the frigate-würtarmberg, the composer stated to Wilhellshaven.
The Fritate is “Brandenburg” leaving the port instead of the United Nations “Intermediate Force in Lebanon)
(TabstoranTelate) Honor (T) Bitte (T) Lebane (T) Brandenburg
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