Generously race to replace Old Inder Fredi to replace Andrew FreeDe

Andrew Furry takes questions
Premier Andrew Freddi is going to grow down the liberal leadership of the liberal leadership. (Paul's Daily / Canadian press)

OK, another premiers of Newsland and Labradar will be announced.

The liberal party of Newtlands and Herberadars announced that the leadership of the leadership run on Monday.

Naman Rashi in March 29, then 2-3 to 2-3 to 2-3 to another premiers of the party and another premiers of the province of the party.

Four and a half years later, Premier Andrew Freie Announced that he was resigning Last week, but was in the role until the new leader.

Members of the election election committee of the election committee is the food, Elephant Power-Stac, John Alla-Stack, John Allane, Anna Wednesday king.

“A group we performed gathered to a group that inspect buildings for our next leader.”

“I look forward to the thrilling process of the history of this interesting process that will be involved with the history of our provinces in a very important arcalled generous and internal.”

Voting on the exile in the exile, a person must have been liberated between January 1, 2024, and March 31 years, and all the criteria may meet in the party's law.

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